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Its not a good question because it is not spesific. The answer to your question is: a fractional effect. You have to have a spesific cause to find its spesific effect.

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Q: What effect does audience fragmentation have on media costs?
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Related questions

How is advertising costs measured?

it is important to calculate costs and measure media effectiveness to best reach audience.

What is media fragmentation?

Media fragmentation is the increasing consumption and choice of a range of media in relation to different channels. This would include web and mobile.

Which media will suit your audience?

C.creating media that appeals to their audience.

What causes audience fragmentation?

Audience fragmentation occurs when a population of people who are thought to have the same or similar interests or outlooks and are therefore grouped together for marketing purposes (the "audience") are using more and different media sources for entertainment or to obtain their information. This means that this group of people, who might otherwise respond positively to a campaign's message or product are more difficult as a group to reach with a single publication of that message. The emergence of new technology is often the cause of this fragmentation as, for example, people have historically obtained news from newspapers, then radio, then television, and now the internet.

How do media producers define their target audience in the socio-economic status?

creating media that appeal to their audience.

Which of these is a media designed for a large audience?

mass media

What is a media designed for a large audience?

mass media

What media designed for a large audience?

Media mass

Mass media are media that are?

designed for a large audience

Which of these media designed fora large audience?

mass media

What is the producer of media except?

the audience

What is the meaning of media fragmentation.?

Describes a trend to increasing choice and consumption of a range of media in terms of different channels such as web and mobile and also within channels, for example more TV channels, radio stations, magazines, more websites. Media fragmentation implies increased difficulty in reaching target audiences.