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Q: What does the time resource mean?
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What does it mean when an energey resource is renewable?

non renewable means unendable resource

What does a server mean?

url = uniform resource locator or universal resource locator, this is the address of a specific internet site or resource.

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What does the r in url mean?

It means 'resource' . The entire acronym is - Uniform Resource Locator.

Is an estuary a renewable resource?

it is a renewable resource because they form over time

What doesURL mean?

Uniform Resource Locator, an address widget that identifies a document or resource on the World Wide Web. T

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Enterprise Resource Planing

What does it mean potential to be harnessed?

a resource to be exploited--

Is time a scarce resource?


What does it mean when an energy resource is renewable?

it mean that when is done you can always get more

Define renewable resource and non-renewable resource?

Well, a renewable resource is something that you can renew over time. A nonrenewable resource is something that cannot be replaced. :) B)

How do you know if it is a renewable resource or a non renewable resource?

A renewable resource is any resource that could easily be replenished within your life time. Such as trees and water. A non renewable resource is any resource that could not possibly be renewed within your life time (and possibly many others) those include oil, coal, diamond, etc.