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Q: What does the amortization schedule tell you about a loan repayment?
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Amortization Schedule?

When you take out a loan, you may be given an amortization schedule that tells you how long it will take to pay off your loan. This schedule should also tell you how much interest you are paying over the life of the loan as well as how much of each payment is devoted to principal.Should You Pay Off The Loan Early?Paying off a loan early will ensure that you pay less money in interest and get yourself out of debt quicker. When you know how much of each payment is going toward interest, you get a good idea of how much money you are saving. If you are at a point where the majority of your payment is directed toward the principal balance, you may not want to pay off the loan early because you aren't saving much money.The Schedule Helps You Budget With EaseWhen you know how much money you are paying each month, you can make a monthly budget with more certainty. If you have a loan with a fixed interest rate, you have almost nothing to worry about in terms of your budget. All you do is plug in the same amount each month. However, you may have to watch your monthly bill if you have a variable loan. The payment amount can change at any time.How Much Are You Really Paying?An amortization schedule will tell you how much you are really paying for the loan by showing you the total cost of the loan with interest. For example, your $20,000 car loan may actually cost you $24,000 after interest is tacked on. When you see how much the loan is really going to cost you, it becomes easier to make better choices as a consumer. Carefully look over any amortization schedule your receive from your lender. It will give you a lot of help in terms of budgeting and other long-term financial planning. You may even find that you couldn't afford as much house or as big of a car as you thought your could.

Do You Have To Receive An Amortization Schedule From Lenders?

An amortization schedule is a document that lays out how much money you are expected to pay each month on a loan. It will tell you how much interest you are paying, how much of your payment is going toward the loan amount itself and what day each month that the loan is due.Are You Required To Receive Such A Document?In many instances, you are required by law to receive such a schedule. For example, students are expected to be given a schedule when they receive their student loans. This is one way that borrowers are protected from a predatory loan scheme. If no schedule is given, a borrower could take a lender to court for breaking the law. Most mortgage lenders will also give you an amortization schedule when you sign your mortgage.You Have A Right To See A Breakdown Of Your LoanNever sign for a loan unless you are able to see a breakdown of each payment that you are going to make. You never want to be on the hook for a large payment each month for the next 30 years because you were hoodwinked by a lender. It is just common sense that you know where every penny of every payment is going until the loan is repaid.Check To Make Sure That Everything Is AccurateAlways make sure that all the terms of the loan are accurate. Check the interest rate that you are being charged, the amount of each payment and the date of the final payment to ensure that the loan you are getting is the loan that you agreed to if. If anything is amiss, you should alert the lender immediately to demand changes.A loan is an obligation that you have to take seriously. If you do not repay your loan, you could be sued or have your wages garnished. Borrowers who are able to pay should be able to rely on their lenders to be honest and upfront about the loan that they have just taken out.

How do you calculate the payments on home equity loans?

If you mean deteriming what a payment might be for a given interest rate and a given loan term, try "Karl's Mortgage calculator", or go to the website where they also have a calculator that you can use for 1st or 2nd (i.e. equity loan) calculations. If you mean how do they arrive at the number they get, it is calculated using amortization schedules. (Karl's will show you the whole amortization table, and you can insert pre-payment strategies and it will tell you by how many years you can reduce the term.)

Do finance charges stop if you pay early?

By finance charges i take it you mean interest. You really need to have the loan company explain the terms of your loan. It is becoming more and more common to see interest locked auto loans where no matter when you pay off the loan, you are forced to pay the interest. Usually the banks will not tell you this out-right, they will instead sit down with you and show you a summary of what each of your monthly payments will be (sometimes called an 'Amortization Schedule'), and where the money is being directed towards. You will see an amount of both your principal and interest balance being paid in the same month. This is nothing short of a scam. Although these loans usually do come with a lower interest rate.

Can a loan company tell your job you applied for a loan?

I do not believe a loan company can release any information pertaining to your personal loan to anyone but the signee. That's just my personal opinion though.

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Will a car amortization calculator tell me how much a car loan will cost per month?

You can find a a car amortization calculator at

Amortization Schedule?

When you take out a loan, you may be given an amortization schedule that tells you how long it will take to pay off your loan. This schedule should also tell you how much interest you are paying over the life of the loan as well as how much of each payment is devoted to principal.Should You Pay Off The Loan Early?Paying off a loan early will ensure that you pay less money in interest and get yourself out of debt quicker. When you know how much of each payment is going toward interest, you get a good idea of how much money you are saving. If you are at a point where the majority of your payment is directed toward the principal balance, you may not want to pay off the loan early because you aren't saving much money.The Schedule Helps You Budget With EaseWhen you know how much money you are paying each month, you can make a monthly budget with more certainty. If you have a loan with a fixed interest rate, you have almost nothing to worry about in terms of your budget. All you do is plug in the same amount each month. However, you may have to watch your monthly bill if you have a variable loan. The payment amount can change at any time.How Much Are You Really Paying?An amortization schedule will tell you how much you are really paying for the loan by showing you the total cost of the loan with interest. For example, your $20,000 car loan may actually cost you $24,000 after interest is tacked on. When you see how much the loan is really going to cost you, it becomes easier to make better choices as a consumer. Carefully look over any amortization schedule your receive from your lender. It will give you a lot of help in terms of budgeting and other long-term financial planning. You may even find that you couldn't afford as much house or as big of a car as you thought your could.

Use a Loan Repayment Calculator Before You Borrow?

If you're thinking of borrowing money, whether it's for college, purchasing a vehicle, or for personal purchases, the first step should be consulting a loan repayment calculator. A loan repayment calculator will tell you how much you'll need to pay per month to keep your repayment in good standing. You can figure out the minimum necessary for the life of the loan, or you can see how much you'd need to pay per month to pay your loan off early. Knowing what repaying your loan will require financially is an important step in the planning stage of the borrowing process.

Do You Have To Receive An Amortization Schedule From Lenders?

An amortization schedule is a document that lays out how much money you are expected to pay each month on a loan. It will tell you how much interest you are paying, how much of your payment is going toward the loan amount itself and what day each month that the loan is due.Are You Required To Receive Such A Document?In many instances, you are required by law to receive such a schedule. For example, students are expected to be given a schedule when they receive their student loans. This is one way that borrowers are protected from a predatory loan scheme. If no schedule is given, a borrower could take a lender to court for breaking the law. Most mortgage lenders will also give you an amortization schedule when you sign your mortgage.You Have A Right To See A Breakdown Of Your LoanNever sign for a loan unless you are able to see a breakdown of each payment that you are going to make. You never want to be on the hook for a large payment each month for the next 30 years because you were hoodwinked by a lender. It is just common sense that you know where every penny of every payment is going until the loan is repaid.Check To Make Sure That Everything Is AccurateAlways make sure that all the terms of the loan are accurate. Check the interest rate that you are being charged, the amount of each payment and the date of the final payment to ensure that the loan you are getting is the loan that you agreed to if. If anything is amiss, you should alert the lender immediately to demand changes.A loan is an obligation that you have to take seriously. If you do not repay your loan, you could be sued or have your wages garnished. Borrowers who are able to pay should be able to rely on their lenders to be honest and upfront about the loan that they have just taken out.

How do you calculate the payments on home equity loans?

If you mean deteriming what a payment might be for a given interest rate and a given loan term, try "Karl's Mortgage calculator", or go to the website where they also have a calculator that you can use for 1st or 2nd (i.e. equity loan) calculations. If you mean how do they arrive at the number they get, it is calculated using amortization schedules. (Karl's will show you the whole amortization table, and you can insert pre-payment strategies and it will tell you by how many years you can reduce the term.)

Where can I draw up a car loan amortization?

Car Finance Canada is a website that will help you to figure out what you can afford. It offer tools such as a car loan calculator where you input all your information and it will tell you how much you can afford per month. remember though sites like these can only give you an estimate and not an actual number . It is always best to talk to a place of finance to get a solid answer.

Will an amortization table help stop sporadic bill paying?

An amortization table is essential in managing your budget. It helps tell you where all your disposable income is being spent so you can reduce this and then pay down your mortgage in turn.

How do I use an amortization mortgage calculator ?

A amortization calculator is used by putting in how much you owe on your mortgage and at what percent. It then will tell you how much your payments are and how much of that is going towards the principal and how much of each payment is going towards interest.

Do finance charges stop if you pay early?

By finance charges i take it you mean interest. You really need to have the loan company explain the terms of your loan. It is becoming more and more common to see interest locked auto loans where no matter when you pay off the loan, you are forced to pay the interest. Usually the banks will not tell you this out-right, they will instead sit down with you and show you a summary of what each of your monthly payments will be (sometimes called an 'Amortization Schedule'), and where the money is being directed towards. You will see an amount of both your principal and interest balance being paid in the same month. This is nothing short of a scam. Although these loans usually do come with a lower interest rate.

Can a loan calculator tell me if I am eligible for a loan?

There are calculators out there in the internet that can tell you if you are eligible for a loan. One calculator that is reliable is

What is the schedule for jail?

Do you want to visit someone in jail? Phone first and make an appointment. They'll tell you the schedule.

How do you answer when asked what a personal loan is for when you don't want to tell them I want a 3K loan on a seventeen yr truck they wont loan on something that old.?

It always pays to tell the truth, especially in a situation like this.