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It means "pay on death" and it's used to declare a beneficiary for the bond.

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Jordi Grant

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Q: What does pod on savings bond mean?
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On a savings bond what does POD mean?

It means "pay on death" and it's used to declare a beneficiary for the bond.

Where can you cash a Seafirst Savings Bond?

Where can I cash in a Seafirst savings bond

Where to cash a US savings bond?

Cash a savings bond at any bank.

Which option for saving money typically offers the least liquidity?

Basic savings account

Where can I get a savings bond?

You can get a savings bond at most local and national banks. You can also purchase these bonds from the government.

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What is a pod?

A pod is a social group of whales. The bond between mother and calf is the strongest. Members of a pod may protect one another.

What does OR on a us savings bond mean?

Ok when you buy a saving bond you are giving money to the US and over time you are expected to get more money out of the savings bond than you bought it for. Like you bought a $10 saving bond 20 years ago. When you go to cash it in you expect to get $35. But im not sure about the rates.

When you buy a united States savings bond you?

When buying a United States saving bond you have to sign papers. This savings bond is there to keep until you come to age.

What is value of 50 dollar savings bond that was purchased in 1992?

The savings bond is worth $72.00 as of July 2013.

How do you buy a savings bond?

Go to the bank with your Id and social security number and tell them you want to buy a savings bond

Is it legal to cash in a savings bond from a deceased relative?

The savings bond is part of the estate. There could be legal consequences for cashing it.