Inc. stands for Incorporated.
Normally for business terms!
Hope this helped!
Public limited company
A corporation is a business that has been legally incorporated. Being incorporated is signified by the initials Inc. after a business or after the name of a person who has incorporated themseves as a corporate business.
The stores New York & Company first went into business in January of 1933 as a Domestic Business Corporation. Their name at the time was Associated Lerner Shops of America Inc.
SBA stands for Small Business Administration in the context of a business plan. As its name suggests, this is a planing strategy for small businesses.
No, Wetterau is no longer in business. They sold out to Supervalu in 1993.
The letters "Inc." after the name of a business stand for incorporated. An incorporated business has legal protection against creditors and lawsuits on their personal assets
inc is usually written "Inc."It is used in conjunction with a company name to mean "Incorporated", indicating that the business is a legal corporation and not just a business registration or partnership.
Surveillance Data Inc
It means "Incorporated"
Inc. isn't an anogram where each letter stands for something. Inc., is the short form for Incorporated. Normally used in business terms! For an Example: Example Inc. or Example Co. (Co. stands for company) Hope this helped!
Inc. = the abbreciation for Incorporated.
Public limited company
Premier Business Inc. was created in 2005.
Incorporated actually
Master of Business Administration