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It really means has your background and honesty been checked.

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Q: What does have you ever been bonded mean in banking terms?
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Changing in banking era?

As a result of the ever changing technology there has been tremendous changes in the banking era.

Have you ever applied to be bonded?

Yes, i have applied to be bonded.

Have you ever bonded?


What does it mean on a job application have you ever been bonded?

It means have you joined securely to another thing or job.

What is the longest someone has ever been president?

2 terms

How would you know if you have ever been bonded would the employer tell you?

I am certainly not an expert in this. But from personal experience I can tell you that I have been bonded for work purposes for over three years and I just found about it one year ago. With that said, I would have to say No.

Job appliation have you ever been bonded?

Bonded usually refers to a a company taking out an insurance policy on you. I am most familiar with it in the non profit word where the executive and the financial staff are boned when the agency is given significant amount of government money. The idea is that if the staff steal the money, the insurance company will cover the loss. On a job application, I would assume they are trying to ascertain if there has ever been a problem so that you were not eligible to be bonded. I believe its a backward way to ask about criminal backgrounds.

Was there ever been a president elected to four or more terms?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Is or has WikiAnswers ever been associated with Barack Obama on a professional level or associated with Obama in any professional terms?

No, not to my knowledge.

What is the meaning of 'Have you ever been bonded'?

Bonded means insured. At some time in the past have you ever been insured against the loss of a large amount of money or valuable .

What is Hammurabi's relationship to Sargon?

The only way Hammurabi and Sargon could ever be related is that they were both emperors. Up to today, there has been no evidence suggesting that Sargon and Hammurabi were ever related. Your answer in simple terms: NO.

What banks offer online banking and accounts?

Online banking is the best service ever. Anyone can access his/her account from the place where he/she lives. There is no need of travel,loss of energy,stress and waiting time.