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Credit debt reduction refers to the process of trying to reduce someone's debt through various means, such as renegotiating debt repayments, debt forgiveness, reduced interest rates, or eliminating late fees.

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Q: What does credit debt reduction mean?
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Related questions

Where can one go to get help on debt reduction?

You can get help on debt reduction from the Credit website under the sub-category "debt help." Once on the page, you will find detailed instructions and tips to help with debt reduction.

Will any debt reduction services help raise my credit score?

There are several companies that will help with debt. These companies may help with your credit score by removing debt.

Where is a good credit card debt located in California?

It can be very difficult to get rid of debt entirely. For help, you can visit for credit card debt reduction information.

When would you contact someone for debt reduction help?

You should think about getting debt reduction help when you are no longer able to control your credit card bills. Or if you are feeling overwhelmed by your debt it is time to consider help.

Where can someone find information about bad credit loans?

One may find information about bad credit loans from Consolidated Credit. They have been helping to inform consumers about debt reduction and how to avoid having debt again once they are debt free.

What does the term debit and credit mean in book keeping?

In a financial transaction: * debits = What was paid for or gained. It can be an expense, an asset (something of lasting value) or it can be a reduction in a debt. * credits = What is the source of value. It can be income, an increase in debt or obligations (owner investment) or it can be a reduction in assets (cash or other assets)

Is better not to pay your credit cards or file for bankaruptcy?

{| |- | Bankruptcy is not an advisable option as it damages your credit for a long period of time, instead you can go for other debt relief options like debt consolidation or debt settlement. I consolidated my credit card debt with the help of Freedom Debt Relief, their debt reduction program helped me reduce my debt levels. |}

How does credit card reduction work?

Credit card consolidation or reduction occurs when someone consolidates the amount owed on their credit card to make one payment. This eliminates the amount of interest is paid and can reduce ones debt quicker.

Which debt reduction services are available in new york city?

There are many debt reduction services available in New York City. There are three basic types of debt reduction services. The first is debt consolidation. The second is credit consolidation and finally debt reduction services.

Hr 5140 economic stimulus act of 2009?

Does the act allow for debt reduction of credit cards? I read a summary of the bill and found many things pertaining to debt reduction. I was looking into it because I had received a notice saying I was eligible for $12,000 in debt relief..

What does credit card negotiation mean?

Credit card negotiation is when you contact the bank and negotiate your credit card debt. This can mean negotiating a payment plan or just trying to get the overall debt reduced.

Which bank has the best plan for debt reduction?

Most banks offer debt reduction options. Whether it is counseling or consolidation loans. Bank of America has a good plan. Credit Unions also offer great plans and usually have no fee accounts.