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How do you write 51.07 euros in french words?

51.7 euros is "cinquante et un euros zéro sept (centimes)" in French.

What is the visa platinum annual fee?

Varies with bank providing, but all credit card interest rates are high- anywhere from 29 ro over 30%. Read the fine print on your agreement for APR.

How Can Foreigner Set up company in Guangzhou?

For establishing an office in Guangzhou, you have diffferent options: (1) Establishing an representative office upon overseas' company (RO); (2) Establishing an service limited company (WFOE); (3) Establishing an trading limited compoany (FICE). There are different requirements for these different options. For example, RO does not require any registered capital while the other two have minimum register capital standard. RO is not allowed for real business i nside the office and the other two are allowed. WFOE service will work same as broker, and trading will do real wholesale or import/export business in his own name. Please kindly specify your target in China will be similar to which option, then would be glad to give you full details about it. Also, Hong Kong company register is one of the option for fixing payment and financial problem. And no register capital is needed for the Hong Kong company.

What is 'petit bureau de change' when translated from French to English?

"Small exchange office" is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase petit bureau de change. The pronunciation of the words -- which translate literally as "small-sized office for (currency) exchange" -- will be "puh-tee byoo-ro duh shawnzh" in French.

What does GOE mean?

Goe mean in language of Karen from Thailand it mean snack .