It means thousand. $75K means $75,000. It came from kilo. Kilo means thousand.
k always stands for "000". So 100k=100,000
$16,000. (Sixteen thousand dollars) "K" after a number is an abbreviation for thousand.
K stands for thousand, so if someone says they have one k it means they have 1000 pounds. I hope this helps you. Additionally k means kilo and kilo means thousand :)
Taxes on money invested into a 401(k) are typically paid when you withdraw the funds during retirement.
1000, comes from kilo
Answer: k is a comma followed by 3 zeros.
kilo or in term of money = 1,000
The letter "K" has come to represent the word "thousand." K is a universal symbol for "thousand" when it is linked to a number in reference to a sum of money.
One thousand
10k is 10,000
When someone speaking about money says 450K, they mean 450 thousand. K=thousand in that sense.
when you see a 'k' after a number, (ex. 100k) that means it's $100,000. "K" is just a shortcut for "thousand"
K mean 1000. Thus 15K means 15,000 (in terms of money). 15 karat 15 kilometres 15 000
"k", in this case, may mean "kilo", that is, "times thousand".
credit cards is counted as money because say if you get your check and your money will go on your credit card i love chocalate ,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k