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General short term banking facility

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Q: What does GSTBF means in financial language?
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What is the abbreviation for 'financial'?

The abbreviation of the word financial is fin or fy. Financial means anything pertaining to the study of finance.

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The phrase "rachat de credits" means financial products such as credit or loans. It is a phrase which originates from the Romanian language but is now used more widely.

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Yes, Chief Financial Officer is not used in military language.

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"Malo elele" means "thank you" in Tongan language.

What is the translation for money in the Romans language?

The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.

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Personal financial management means manage their own finance and meet their financial needs according to the requirement.

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Means you are rich

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What language does Saimiri come from?

The language is Tupi. Sai means monkey, mirim means small.