Think of all things in there and what can be used to buy thing credit cards anything money. You need to contact the police and let them know that there was a theft. You need to contact social security as well as any credit card companies you hold cards for. Well the best thing to do is get a new one concerning SScard, your ID and license. There is no guarantee that nobody will steal your wallet esp. you are just riding in buses or a public utility vehicles. Never mind the 450 dollars in it, money can be replaced in some future time but of course not identification items such as ID and other stuff you have in there. So it is very important always make sure that you avoid crowded places esp. bus station.
SO WHAT ELSE to do but get a new set of SScard plus ID and license. Nobody can use your SScard at least and pretend they are you when infact you are not them, informed these institutions that you lost your ID and make a police report if possible these incident that you say somebody will steal your identity, you can present a police report that someone stole them sometime ago. Just for preliminary precaution on your part. == ==
you are only liable for a minimum of $50 if you report it in a minimum of 60 days
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E-wallet or digital wallet is an amazing data security tool which lets you secure and store your sensitive and highly important information like credit card details, bank account details and other financial records in a secure encrypted digital wallet.
In addition to my license and some store saving cards, a Capital One credit card is in my wallet.
That person is a pickpocket.
The term for someone who steals crops is a "crop thief" or a "crop poacher".
It is called theft or embezzlement when someone steals money from another person.
When someone steals your pokemon.
in 1964 by someone named joe wallet. that is how it got its name
A pecuniary thief is a person who steals money, as opposed to one who steals property or, today, identities. someone who steals money.
When someone steals your pokemon.
Cut their hand OFF!
No, he STEALS your phone.
You are doomed to hell.