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If that is the case then unfortunately you have been a victim of identity theft. You must contact your own bank immediately to notify them of the situation and call the local authorities who will investigate it for you. It is vital that you act fast.

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Q: What do you do if your credit reports has creditors that are not mine?
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Do creditors list a charge-off on credit reports as of the bankruptcy filing date or as of the discharge date?

Creditors list the charge off date as the date the bankrupcty was filed

How do you challenge the reports if you have bad credit?

send letter to the credit reporting agencies . they will have to send letter to the creditors who will have 30 days to respond. if they dont the debt has to be removed from your credit record.

When filing bankruptcy what do you do with creditors that 'drop off' your credit reports before you file?

Your credit report is irrelvent. Certainly many debts are not on one. If you owe the debt, report it.

What is the use of credit rating agency?

The Credit Rating Agency is a hub that gathers data from creditors and puts the data together into a single individual consumer credit report. Lenders use there reports in order to determine a borrower's credit worthiness.

What credit reports other than a Tranunion credit report are considered part of the big three?

Experian, Tranunion and Equifax are the 3 credit bureaus that are updated regularly by creditors. Credit bureaus are agencies that have billions of credit histories on consumers and commercial entities.

What are three important federal laws regulating consumer credit?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act promotes the accuracy and privacy of information in consumer credit reports. It also controls the use of credit reports and requires consumer reporting agencies to maintain correct and complete files. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act requires that individual creditors apply credit standards in a fair manner.

What do Credit report tell creditors?

Credit reports generally tell creditors about your current and past credit history. They include things like the amounts of credit extended, the highest balance that you held, current balances, how long the accounts have been active, if and when you were late on a payment,how late the payment was, etc. They can then use this information to determine the risks associated with lending you money.

What would a person have to do to improve their credit rating when they have no credit at all?

To improve a credit rating with no credit at all is to find a reliable source of revolving credit. A merchant or credit card that reports to the major creditors monthly. Many credit cards offer this and it should be disclosed before you try to be approved.

Is care one credit card good on credit reports?

Care One is a debt consolidation service that negotiates with your creditors to reduce your debt. Debt reduction never looks good on your credit report because it signals to creditors that you have not paid your previous debts in full. However, most people who are deep in debt rightly prioritize getting out of debt over having a good credit rating. Also, credit reports only go back seven years, so eventually negative items will drop off your report.

How can we calculate creditors payment period?

Average Creditors / Credit purchases = '?' x 360 = '?' ex. Average Creditors / Credit purchases = 50 000 / 120 000 x 360 = 0.4166 x 360 = 41.7 (average creditors = Creditors at the biginning of the year + creditors at the end of the year divided by 2) Average Creditors / Credit purchases = '?' x 360 = '?' ex. Average Creditors / Credit purchases = 50 000 / 120 000 x 360 = 0.4166 x 360 = 41.7 (average creditors = Creditors at the biginning of the year + creditors at the end of the year divided by 2)

Can a debt collector inquire in your credit history in wv?

Yes, and they very often do. It is a common practice for creditors and larger collections agencies to obtain credit reports in an attempt to recover a debt. Credit reports provide a tremendous amount of information. This information can be obtained through countless other means, but the CR puts it all right there at their finger tips.

Are credit reports online reliable?

Credit reports online are reliable. These reports are taken from the same three major credit bureaus that lenders will pull their own reports from.