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The same thing that original kids would do even though they talk another language doesnt mean we dont enjoy the same stuff

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Q: What do french children do in their spare time?
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How do you say 'spare time' in French?

The spare time is 'le temps libre' in French., or 'les loisirs' (often plural) (has the same roots than 'leisure' in English)

What did children do in their spare time?

poor children worked wealthy children went to the theatre or played and dabbed on jeff

What do the french do on there spare time?

Zey eat loats oav bageuts, and dwink zhe wine

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yes you have every right to feel this way! Especially if you have children....what is he doing in his spare time?

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Use all of your spare time revising

How do you what do you say in french what i do in my spare time?

ce que je fais quand je ne travaille pas

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spare time is, amser rhydd

What did the woman in the middle ages do in there spare time?

They obviously had children before they died, or we wouldn't be here. You figure out the rest.

What do the children do in there spear time?

Children do a variety of things in their spare time. They play games with friends, or they use their imaginations and play with dolls, trucks and other toys on their own. Children also like to run, jump, and play outside.