If the cosigner has a good credit rating any credit card company would be more than happy to let them cosign. All credit card companies are interested in is getting their money back. The cosigner should always be as sure as possible that the person they are cosigning for is reliable and will pay back any outstanding balance because if they don't the cosigner is 100% responsible in paying that debt back!
Many companies allow people to apply for business credit cards online; some of the companies include Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Chase.
No. The cosigner would have to apply for a loan in their name using their credit, income data.
Different credit card companies have different requirements for businesses wishing to obtain a credit account. Some credit card companies will require proof of the business's existence, while others will allow you to simply apply using the company's name.
One can apply for a credit card on any of the major credit card providers' websites. These companies include Visa, Master Card, Discover, and many other companies.
A number of financial institutions allow one to apply for a home equity loan or line of credit online. These include Citibank, Wells Fargo, Nationwide, Bank of America, Key Bank and Schwab.
Some good credit card companies that allow for businesses to apply for credit cards online would include TD Business Travel Visa, and Capital One. Those two companies would allow you to apply for credit cards online.
If the cosigner has a good credit rating any credit card company would be more than happy to let them cosign. All credit card companies are interested in is getting their money back. The cosigner should always be as sure as possible that the person they are cosigning for is reliable and will pay back any outstanding balance because if they don't the cosigner is 100% responsible in paying that debt back!
Many companies allow people to apply for business credit cards online; some of the companies include Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Chase.
This is a very poor credit score. You can apply but it is unlikely you will get a loan without a cosigner. If you are able to get a loan without a cosigner your interest rate will be very high as compare to someone with a good credit score of over 700.
If you have a job or if you are a working student, you can apply to have a credit card. Because credit card companies like HSBC will not allow people to apply for a credit card without a salary. If you are a working student, you can apply for one and the amount or limit of your credit card will depend on your salary.
No. The cosigner would have to apply for a loan in their name using their credit, income data.
Different credit card companies have different requirements for businesses wishing to obtain a credit account. Some credit card companies will require proof of the business's existence, while others will allow you to simply apply using the company's name.
ITS not that I dont have bad credit, I want to know if I could get an larger amount on my card to buy a washing machine from you including delivery & taxes??
That is determined by the lenders loan guidelines.
One can apply for a credit card on any of the major credit card providers' websites. These companies include Visa, Master Card, Discover, and many other companies.
A number of financial institutions allow one to apply for a home equity loan or line of credit online. These include Citibank, Wells Fargo, Nationwide, Bank of America, Key Bank and Schwab.