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Q: What condition it is acceptable for Toyota to settle for a good enough decision?
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What does it take to borrow a loan from a bank?

Steady income (and a history of such income)in an amount enough to repay debts, acceptable credit history, an acceptable loan purpose, and if required, acceptable collateral

How will each the firms decision making?

You can make decision making firm by putting your foot forward of the choice or the decision that you made. You should decide and stick with it. You make sure that you have proof or enough evidence showing that your decision is important and correct.

What does insufficient credit file mean?

There is not enough credit history for the lender to make a decision. The credit file is a history and if it doesn't go back far enough, or have enough accounts on it, they can't make an informed decision. To solve try to get small things that will appear on your credit, possibly a card with a 500 dollar limit, etc.

Some of the weaknesses of decision-making are related to?

It can be related to unqualified or unskilled management, to inaccurate record keeping resulting in inaccurate ratios to be calculated from the balance sheet and income statement, or just generally not having enough information at hand to make the decision.

What does insufficient credit mean?

Insufficient credit mean that there is either "no credit" information available or not "enough" credit information to base another credit decision on. He/she has not financed a car, loan, and/or a charge card at all or has only had it for a very short period of time (6 months or less). In other words, if you are looking for a loan, and I pull your credit, and there is nothing there to show me that you will or can pay on time, you have insufficient credit on which to base a decision.

Related questions

What does fair enough mean?

Fair can mean 'justifiable', as in the judge's ruling was fair to both parties. So 'fair enough' could mean (the decision) is close enough to being just to all parties concerned that it is acceptable to all parties concerned.

What is a lean condition in a Toyota 4-runner?

A lean condition is too much air and not enough fuel The cause can be a fuel delivery problem,02 sensor,MAF sensor or a vacuum leak

Is it acceptable to fail to complete community service due to lack of transportation?

No. It is never acceptable to disobey the orders of the court. You must ask the court that sentenced you to the service if that is a good enough reason. The judge will make the decision, and if he/she agrees could decide on some alternate ending.

Why is the Toyota mr2 discontinued?

Toyota wasn't making enough $$$

How much horsepower does a 1991 Toyota Celica have?

not enough, it's a Toyota for heaven's sake!

What does it take to borrow a loan from a bank?

Steady income (and a history of such income)in an amount enough to repay debts, acceptable credit history, an acceptable loan purpose, and if required, acceptable collateral

What is another way of saying not enough?

in acceptable, inadequate, incompetent, limited

How is the decision made as to whether a patient with a pre-existing condition should have massage therapy.?

The decision on whether to use massage must be based on whether it may cause harm. For example, if someone has osteoporosis, the concern is whether bones are strong enough to withstand the pressure applied.

What is code 25 on Toyota 4 runner 1991?

IT means the engine is running lean. More Air than gas. And you need to be careful as it can cause t engine to overheat if the condition is sever enough.

What is the curb weight of a 1994 Toyota Camry?

not enough

Can a father receive custody if mother has a medical condition?

There are many medical conditions that would not render a parent unfit to have custody of their child. The medical condition would have to be serious enough that the child would be at risk and the court would review all the evidence, order an evaluation and then issue its decision.

What is a programmed decision give an example?

a programmed decision is made in response to a situation that has occurred often enough to enable decision rules to be developed and applied in the future. For example the decision to reload paper in the printer is a programmed decision.