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If the person is unable to pay, the bank can foreclose.

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Q: What can happen to a person who receives a property through right of survivorship and can't afford to pay the mortgage?
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What is a home mortgage?

A home mortgage is a loan that is secured by property through the use of a mortgage note that ultimately grants you a mortgage for your home. You can obtain financing on the purchase of your new home or any home.

Is probate needed when you inherit a home with a mortgage?

The mortgage has nothing to do with the issue. Probate is required any time the decedent owned real property. Legal title can only pass through probate.The mortgage has nothing to do with the issue. Probate is required any time the decedent owned real property. Legal title can only pass through probate.The mortgage has nothing to do with the issue. Probate is required any time the decedent owned real property. Legal title can only pass through probate.The mortgage has nothing to do with the issue. Probate is required any time the decedent owned real property. Legal title can only pass through probate.

If a property is owned by the daughter and the deceased mother is that considered the deceased estate?

The rights in the real property are a part of the estate. If the property was owned with rights of survivorship, the daughter may claim title without going through probate. Consult an attorney who does probate work in your jurisdiciton.

Where can i find a commercial mortgage calculator term and amortization schedule?

A commercial mortgage is mortgage loan in which a commercial property is kept as collateral to secure the repayment of the loan. An amortization loan is a loan where you have to pay off the principal over the life span of the loan generally through equal payment.

How long do you have after your house is sold at foreclosure auction in Massachusetts?

How long do you have for what? You may be able to stay for a while as a tenant, usually at the old mortgage rate. It can be for a year or longer, and sometimes you may be allowed to buy the property through a new mortgage.

Related questions

Do you have to go through probate if your wife is on the deed but not the loan and the husband dies?

If the deed is a survivorship deed then the property will automatically be the sole property of the wife and bypass probate. However, it will be subject to the mortgage unless you buy some type of mortgage insurance.If the deed is a survivorship deed then the property will automatically be the sole property of the wife and bypass probate. However, it will be subject to the mortgage unless you buy some type of mortgage insurance.If the deed is a survivorship deed then the property will automatically be the sole property of the wife and bypass probate. However, it will be subject to the mortgage unless you buy some type of mortgage insurance.If the deed is a survivorship deed then the property will automatically be the sole property of the wife and bypass probate. However, it will be subject to the mortgage unless you buy some type of mortgage insurance.

Can tenancy in common pass property through survivorship?

No. The tenant must make a will.

What and where to pay a mortgage loan?

A mortgage loan is a loan that is used to either purchase a property or get a loan with your property as collateral. You can secure a mortgage through financial institutes like banks, credit unions or mortgage companies like Fannie Mae.

If two people buy a property as joint tenants and finance it through a mortgage company and one of them dies who does the deceased property pass to?

The survivor is automatically the owner of the property and is responsible for the full amount of the mortgage.

What is a home mortgage?

A home mortgage is a loan that is secured by property through the use of a mortgage note that ultimately grants you a mortgage for your home. You can obtain financing on the purchase of your new home or any home.

Is probate needed when you inherit a home with a mortgage?

The mortgage has nothing to do with the issue. Probate is required any time the decedent owned real property. Legal title can only pass through probate.The mortgage has nothing to do with the issue. Probate is required any time the decedent owned real property. Legal title can only pass through probate.The mortgage has nothing to do with the issue. Probate is required any time the decedent owned real property. Legal title can only pass through probate.The mortgage has nothing to do with the issue. Probate is required any time the decedent owned real property. Legal title can only pass through probate.

Can you get a mortgage loan without any actual real estate transaction involved?

A mortgage loan is a loan secured by real property through the use of a mortgage note which evidences the existence of the loan and the encumbrance of that realty through the granting of a mortgage which secures the loan by a forced sale.

What is the cost to add a spouse to your mortgage?

A spouse is not added to a mortgage; if the spouse already owns an interest in the property through deed or community property, then the spouse is subject to the mortgage, regardless of whether or not he or she signed it. Note, however, that many mortgages contain "due on sale" clauses which require the mortgage to be refinanced if there is a change in ownership of the property. Contact your bank to see if your loan contains such a clause.

How can one get a mortgage through a bank?

A mortgage is a loan secured on a property, so in order to obtain a mortgage you need to own a property or be in the process of purchasing a property. Evidence of an income in order to service the loan will need to be supplied to the bank that is considering the mortgage. The bank will also need evidence of the equity you have in the property you wish to mortgage. Your previous credit history will be checked by the bank, so you may need to supply evidence of your previous address or places you have lived, like a bank statement showing your name and address.

If a property is owned by the daughter and the deceased mother is that considered the deceased estate?

The rights in the real property are a part of the estate. If the property was owned with rights of survivorship, the daughter may claim title without going through probate. Consult an attorney who does probate work in your jurisdiciton.

What if both husband an wife are on the title but not the mortgage and they get divorced?

The person who is on the mortgage is legally responsible for paying the debt. If the debt is not paid the bank will take possession of the property. The division of the property will be addressed through negotiation by the attorneys representing the parties or by a judicial order.

If cosigner of loan dies what amount will be going through probate one half the mortgage loan the paid part or the unpaid part or the market value of the home?

The answer depends on how the co-owners held title. If the property was owned as joint tenants with the right of survivorship the decedent's interest passed to the survivor automatically and doesn't become a part of the decedent's estate at all. The survivor is responsible for paying the mortgage. If they owned as tenants in common the value (and disposition) of the real estate would need to be determined by the attorney who is handling the estate.