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Two things mainly:

1. Costs can run out of control, causing organisations to spend more than they need to, run inefficiently, reduce their potential profit or at worst turn a profit into a loss

2. Budgets can be overstated and if an organisation actually spends less than it expects to in a particular area than those funds can be made available elsewhere in the business. If costs aren't monitored effectively such opportunities can be missed.

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Q: What can happen if costs not monitored in a business?
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What can happen if costs and budget are not monitored?

These are costs that change according to output .The costs change directly according to how many products are made .An example of this is a business producing footballs will have varying requirements for amounts of rubber, lead and valves depending on how many footballs it makes .

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These are different forms of costs that a business may deal with. They will each represent what could happen in a situation.

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