Financial stability is the ability to meet your monthly obligations. With most people financial stability includes the ability to save money.
Mostleaders/banks have the same products, your ability to get a mortgage loan will be hinged on your credit score and your ability to purchase a house.
The definition of individual skills is the ability and capacity to learn a certain task. This helps you carry out complex activities with deliberation and a systematic method or ability.
The Senate.
...A Filibuster?
he was a filibuster :)
There is no time limit on a filibuster.
a filibuster occurs in the senate
Wikipedia says this:A filibuster, or "talking out a bill", is a form of obstruction in a legislature or other decision-making body whereby one attempts to delay or entirely prevent a vote on a proposal by extending a debate on that proposal.The senator talked for hours in an attempt to filibuster the bill he opposed.
Filibuster can be used as a noun and a verb.
a filibuster
The filibuster is a creature of the Senate and owes its existence to that body's time-honored attachment to unlimited debate. The sheer size of the House weighs heavily against the feasibility of unrestricted debate, and its time-limit rules reflect this fact. Allowing the filibuster in the House would be the equivalent of eliminating its time-limit rules, without which it could not effectively function as a lawmaking body.
It's called a filibuster. filibuster.
Congress tried to filibuster the bill before it became a law.
The Stackhouse Filibuster was created on 2001-03-14.