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Long-term sources or funds are required to create production facilities through purchases of fixed assets such as plant,machinery,land,building,furniture,e.t.c. Investments in these assets represent that part of firm`s capital which is blocked on a permanent or fixed basis and is called fixed capital.

The long-term sources of finance are:

1. Ownership securities: These securities represents shares. Share are the most common form of raising long-term funds from the market.Every company,except a company limited by a guarantee,has a statutory right to issue shares. The capital of a company is divided into a number of equal parts called shares.

a. Equity shares: Represents the owner`s capital in a company.The holders of these shares have full control over the working of the company and have voting rights.Equity shareholders are paid dividends from the remaining income of a company. The rate of dividend depends upon the profit of the company.

b. Preference Shares: As the name suggests,these shares have certain preferences. There is a preference for payment of dividend.they have fixed rate of dividend,but they don`t have any voting rights and control over the management of a company.

2. Creditorship securities: It is also known as debt-capital,and it represnts debenture and bondsThe use of such securities along with shares in financing of a business generally tends to reduce the cost of capital and helps to improve the earnings of the shareholders.

a. Debentures or Bonds: A debenture is an acknowledgement of debt.It is a form of loan on which a company has to pay a fixed amount of interest to debenture-holders.they are the creditors of the company. There are many type of debentures i.e. unsecured,secured,registered,reedemable.irredeemable,convertible,zero coupon bonds,deep discount bonds,e.t.c.

3. Loan financing: A business can also finance through loans from specialised financial institutions and development banks or from commercial banks.

4. Internal financing: A new company can raise funds only through external sources,such as shares,debentures,loans,public deposits,e.t.c. But an existing firm which needs finaance for it`s future growth and expansion can generate funds through retained earnings.

5. Public deposits.

Long term sources of finance are those that are needed over a longer period of time - generally over a year. The reasons for needing long term finance are generally different to those relating to short term finance.

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Q: What are the long term sources of funds for financing a business?
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Good business financing is achieved through solutions including various loan types, overdrafts, and lines of credit. These programs should be flexible and secure, and function with long-term business goals in mind.

What is maturity matching approach?

Hedge risk by matching the maturities of assets and liabilities. Permanent current assets are financed with long-term financing, while temporary current assets are financed with short-term financing. There are no excess funds.

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Definition of long-Term Financing?

What is long term funding options?

Long-Term Financing -- Long-term financing is more often associated with the need for fixed assets such as property, manufacturing plants, and equipment where the assets will be used in the business for several years. It is also a practical alternative in many situations where short-term financing requirements recur on a regular basis.

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Sources of finance for expanding the business?

sources of finance for expanding the a bussiness? short term medium term half term and long term

How long it takes?

It takes almost a year to earn all of the funds you need to finance a business. This is why you hire people to help you.