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Q: What are the importance of the consolidation test?
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The Classical Method of soil testing for consolidation was developed by Karl Terzaghi. Consolidation occurs when a pressure is applied to a soil whereby water is squeezed out but the space is not replaced by air.

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What are the importance of consolidation?

The basic importance of consolidation is that it will discontinue any collection mediators harassing calls and provide you a strain free future to construct your credit for upcoming borrowing. Thus for easy repayment of the debts one should go for secured debt consolidation loans. Moreover by consolidating your debt you are paying one monthly payment, which is lower than all the payments you are paying to creditors. The debt consolidation agency uses this payment to pay off the actual debt and the interest on the debt.

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The importance of slump test in concrete work is to ensure consistency in the concrete. The test measures the workability of the concrete.

What is the importance of slump test in concrete work?

The importance of slump test in concrete work is to ensure consistency in the concrete. The test measures the workability of the concrete.

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