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The NPV and PI both consider the time value of money and result in the same accept or reject decision when

considering an independent project. The main difference between the two is that the PI may be useful in determining which projects to accept if funds are limited;

however, the PI may lead to incorrect decisions when considering mutually exclusive investments

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Q: What are the differences between profitability index and net present value?
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What is a profitability index?

Profitability index is the "rolling forward" of indices of profitability. For example, a company has a turnover of

The net present value and profitability index methods to give consistent accept-reject decisions?

Yes, The PI and NPV always give the same decisions to accept or reject the projects. The Project's PI will be greater than 1.00 if the NPV is positive and PI will be less than 1.00 if the NPV is negative

What decision criteria should managers use in selecting projects when there is not enough capital to invest in all available positive NPV projects?

Profitability index criteria can be used to select projects when a capital rationing situation exists, with the highest profititibility index from specified projects being the goal.

Advantage and disadvantage of Profitability index PI?

Disadvantages of Profitability Index are:-Only used for divisible projectsstrategic value of projects are not considered.( only figures are dealt with not long term not short termlimited use when protect have differing cash flow pattern. ( only limited to investment with major cash at the beginning)absolute NPV vale is ignored, smaller projects receive more favourable treatment ( the equation treats all project as equally important.R.ogunleye university of Herfordshire (UK)

What is the difference between mutual funds and index funds?

Index funds are a type of mutual fund that invests in the stocks of a specific market index, attempting to maintain a value per unit that tracks that index.

Related questions

What is a profitability index?

Profitability index is the "rolling forward" of indices of profitability. For example, a company has a turnover of

How do you compute the profitability index of a capital-budgeting proposal?

Dividing the present value of the annual after-tax cash flows by the cost of the project

How does one create a profitability index?

Profitability indexes are not hard to come by. To create one you must go online to a profitability website in which they have step by step instructions according to the index you need.

Payback period versus discounted payback period versus net present value versus profitability index?

discounted payback period

For the NPV criteria a project is acceptable if the NPV is while for the profitability index a project is acceptable if the profitability index is?

less than zero, greater than the requred return

Why is profitability index considered more in capital budgeting appraisal than net present value and internal rate of return?

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When hard capital rationing exist project may be accurately evaluated by use of what?

Profitability Index

An index of regional disparity would be useful in examining?

Economic differences between different regions of a country

What is index ratio?

An index ratio typically refers to a comparison between two index values, often highlighting the relative performance or change between them. It is calculated by dividing one index value by the other and can be used to assess trends, differences, or shifts in data sets represented by the indices.

Why is local swelling between index finger and middle finger present?

Local swelling between the index finger and middle finger may be present due to an injury or trauma, such as a sprain, fracture, or contusion. It can also be caused by an inflammatory condition like arthritis or an infection. If the swelling is persistent or accompanied by pain, redness, or warmth, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment.

What has the author Ray I Reul written?

Ray I. Reul has written: 'Profitability index for investments' -- subject(s): Capital investments

What is the advantages and disadvantages of profitability index?

Profitability Index AdvantagesTells whether an investment increases the firm's valueConsiders all cash flows of the projectConsiders the time value of moneyConsiders the risk of future cash flows (through the cost of capital) Useful in ranking and selecting projects when capital is rationedDisadvantagesRequires an estimate of the cost of capital in order to calculate the profitability indexMay not give the correct decision when used to compare mutually exclusive projects