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The tax of imported goods and services is called Tariff. This is imposed to control or limit trades and as a source of revenue or income for governments.

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Q: What are tariff taxes and how are they used by the government?
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Government act which increased taxes on imports in June of 1930?

Smoot-Hawley Tariff

What is the word for charges or taxes placed by the government on certain imported goods?

The term used for taxes of imported goods is usually a Tariff and sometimes called a Duty or Customs Duty.This is why you sometimes see duty-free shops in airports or cruise ship terminals. Goods purchased in these shops are not charges the Duty or Tariff.

What were the weaknesses of the Articles?

Shay's rebelillion inflation Tariff wars weak government canat collect taxes quarriling and no money

What did the south nickname the tariff?

They didn't nickname it. They just called it tariff or taxes

Taxes on goods coming into the United States?

custom duty :)

When would the government most likely charge you a tariff?

The government would most likely charge you a tariff when you import goods into the country from another nation. Tariffs are taxes levied on imported products, meant to make them more expensive and protect domestic industries.

What is the tariff type of raise money to the government?

Protective tariff. These types of tariffs are placed by the government on goods that are imported in an effort to protect the countries specific trade on that good. This tariff raises the price of an imported good so high that others will turn to the local countries good instead. ^No. Incorrect. Falso. a protective tariff is designed to protect a domestic industry (which is what the above answer talked about). A revenue tariff is used to raise money for the government

What economic policies were favored by the republican party in the late 1800s?

Low taxes, low government spending, and isolationism for foreign policy.

What did the Harding administration accomplish in tariff revision?

He lowered taxes.


A type of tax charged on imports

Taxes on goods coming in from other nations are called what?


Use protective tariff in a sentence?

In the past, the government used protective tariffs to reduce imports.