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Q: What are some examples of financial resources?
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Related questions

What are examples of financial resources?

bank loan, mortgage

Where could one find information about personal financial planning?

Information about personal financial planning can be found online from many different resources. Some examples of these resources include CNN and AICPA.

What is a financial resource and what are some examples of them?

For all practical purposes, financial resources revolve around money. If an individual owns a portfolio of US Treasury Bills and US Treasury Bonds, it can be said that the individual has "financial resources". With such resources, these items can be easily converted into cash for various purposes.

What are some examples of financial and human resources necessary to ensure the effective operation of the ohs system?

One of the examples of fniancial and human resources necessary to ensure the effective operation of the OHS System is the Health and Safety System for personnel.

What are some examples of plentiful resources?

Some examples of plentiful resources include water, sunlight, and air. These resources are abundant in nature and are essential for sustaining life on Earth.

What is the meaning of financial resources?

what is financial resources

What are some examples of non deposit financial institutions?


What are the examples of financial liabilities?

A financial liability is defined as the obligation to give cash to another entity under certain conditions. Some examples of financial liabilities are accounts payable and loans.

What are some non-natural resources?

Some examples of non-natural resources include intellectual property like patents and copyrights, financial resources such as money and investments, human resources like skilled labor and expertise, and technological resources such as software and machinery.

What are some examples of reusable resources?

Paper plastic jugs.

What are the examples of some nonrenewable resources?

fossil fuels and uranuim

Some examples of finite resources?

oil, gas, and coal