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functions of producers co operative society
Co-operative Society and Co-operative Bank are different in nature. Co-operative Bank example District Co-operative Bank, Primary Agricultural Co-operative Bank, Urban Co-operative Bank with which we can able to financial transaction such as SB Account, Current Account & Terem Deposit Co-opeartive Society is specific in nature such as Co-operative Housing Society etc.
Is Grameen Bank a cooperative? Why or Why not?
The advantageous factors of the cooperative type of organization are given below: - 1. Elimination of middlemen. The management of the consumer cooperative society directly purchases the finished goods from the manufacturer and producer. Producer cooperative society procures the raw material from the producer. Thus they try to free themselves from the grip of the middlemen and make the goods available to consumers at lower prices. 2. Saving in management expenses. Cooperative society enjoys some economies in the field of management due to voluntary services performed by the members themselves. Thus, it is possible to minimize the expenses of management and supervision. 3. Minimum stock. Society purchases the same goods which are actually demanded by its members. Thus there is need to have minimum stock at hand due to constant and regular demands. 4. Economy in distribution and production expenditure. Society is saved from any distribution and production expenses. It has got its regular customers; therefore society has not to face any trouble for marketing its goods. Thus is has not to incur any expenditure for publicity and advertisement, which is a big item in the budget of the capitalist producer. 5. Integration. Under this type of organization, complete integration between producers, wholesalers and retailers is always possible. This is thus a clear advantage over capitalist economy.
Yes, Cooperative society is a voluntary organization.
Merits Ease of formation Open membership Limitd Liability Stability Democratic Management Social Utility Demerits Limited Capital Inefficient Management
the public function of a cooperative society is related work other then it's members
nigeria cooperative moverment in country
cooperative society is an voluntary association of people who get together voluntarily for their common interest and benefit.
as far as i know amul is a marketing cooperative society but still i am not sure regarding it
cooperative society is a voluntary association of people for their common economic development. Types: consumer cooperative producers cooperative market cooperative credit cooperative framing cooperative
merits do post industrial societiesgive to woman
A cooperative societies or businesses are places where people can pay to have a share in a crop or livestock, as well as other products. They also help take care of the crop or livestock in turns. Some of these in Nigeria are: consumer cooperative society, thrift and credit cooperative society, retail and wholesale cooperative society.
merits do post industrial societiesgive to woman
cooperative society is a retailers cooperative is a type of cooperative which employs economies of scale on behalf of its retailer member