

What are disadvantages of salary?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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The disadvantages of a salary as compared to an hourly income really falls to one thing- with a salary it does not matter how many hours per week you work, your check will remain the same. Whereas with a job that pays you hourly, you will earn the exact amount of labor that you offered for that pay cycle.

The advantage of having a salary versus a hourly pay is that say for instance you only worked twenty hours for the week- your check will reflect the amount of pay agreed upon by you and the employer. So it is really like a gamble depending upon the company in which you are working for.

The best advice I can say is to check what the average worker within that same company under the same title works per pay cycle and see if that sum is beneficial or disadvantageous toward a salaried income.

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