

What are ING variable annuities?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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ING variable annuities are annuities offered by the company ING which have variable rates of return. This is in contrast to fixed annuities which offer some sort of guaranteed rate of return over the life of the contract.

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Q: What are ING variable annuities?
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Where is the information on ING's website about variable annuities?

The direct link to ING variable annuities is It is best to look into all forms of retirement planning.

What are variable annuities?

ING variable annuities are annuities offered by the company ING which have variable rates of return. This is in contrast to fixed annuities which offer some sort of guaranteed rate of return over the life of the contract.

Are there any third party brokers who provide ing variable annuities?

Yes there are many third party brokers who are willing to provide ING variable annuities. Third party brokers are the most common at providing ING variable annuities.

Where can I find out about ING variable annuities?

Your best bet in finding whether the ING variable annuities are right for you would be to speak with a financial adviser or an ING representative. You can also find out a wide range of information by visiting the ING website.

Is ING variable annuities a good investment?

Yes, variable annuities can be good long term investments for someone who is planning for their retirement. ING is a large, well-known company. You can get more information from ING's official website.

Will it be worth using ING variable annuities?

With all the different places to use online for annuities and investing, many companies offer 'perks' for choosing them to bank with. Investing into a variable annuities could result in a big profit but no loss, so it would be worth it.

What is ING variable annuity for?

ING variable annuities are long-term investments typically used for planning for retirement. The insurance company pays the insured but the value of the fund fluctuates with the market and isn't guaranteed.

Which websites carry details on ING variable annuities?

You can go to the website and search there. They also have a "Contact Me" form that you can fill out and a registered consultant will get back to you promptly. They can tell you all about the products that INGdirect can offer you, including variable annuities.

Are ING variable annuities good for long term investing?

I think for long term investing you want to find nonvariable investments to put your money in.

What is a variable annuity company able to offer me?

There are many companies that offer variable annuities. Metlife and ING are two of the larger companies. They can work with your individual situation and create a good financial plan for you.

What are three types of insurance annuities?

Three types of Insurance Annuities are variable annuities, fixed annuities and indexed annuities.

Are there annuities symbols for portfolios?

Annuities themselves do not have symbols, however, for variable annuities, the stocks that the money is invested in within the variable contract would have the symbols associated with those companies.