the abbreviation is mtg
The abbreviation used for million is MM. This abbreviation is frequently used within financial contexts. The word million itself is derived from early Italian.
yr - (singular form) yrs - (plural form)
The abbreviation for paragraph is : ℙ. Which can be found under edit and then special characters on macs.
PFM Group was created in 1964.
PFM Group's population is 2,010.
Program Financial Management
J P. Moyse has written: 'An analogue optical fibre videolink using a PFM system'
The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.
The abbreviation for abbreviation is "abbr."
pfm files are Type1 Postscript Fonts. There are two files required to install:yourfont.PFB - postscript font binary datayourfont.PFM - postscript font metric dataOn Windows XP, you can simply drag TrueType Fonts (.ttf) into the C:/Windows/Fonts folder to "install" them. I'm not sure if you can do this with Type1 fonts if you have both files because I only have the .PFM file and this didn't work. Websites suggested dowloading Adobe Type Manager Lite, a freeware font installation program at I attempted to install the font by selecting FoundryMonoline-Bold.PFM and it promped me for the location of the FoundryMonoline-Bold.PFB file. I didn't have it so couldn't install it. You must have both files.
The abbreviation for centimeter is cm. The abbreviation for meter is m. The abbreviation for inches is in. The abbreviation for liter is L.
Yes. Transnet is listed in Schedule 2 of the Public Finance Management Act (1999) as a one of the major public entities to which the act applies.
"GPA" is already an abbreviation for "grade point average". There is no further abbreviation for the abbreviation.
Parent is actually an abbreviation itself. It is an abbreviation for parental. Some say that an abbreviation could be rent, but other than that since it is an abbreviation it doesn't really have an abbreviation.