'1K' is an abbreviation for 1000 (one thousand).
It could be 1000 of anything.
189875000.00 Indian Rupee
This depends on what dollar 1 US Dollar in Indian Rupee is 63.60 1 Australian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 50.32 1 Barbardian in Indiian Rupee is 31.98 1 Bahamian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 64.01 1 Canadian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 51.04 1 New Zealand Dollar in Indian Rupee is 46.15
how much 5500000 pounds in indian rupee
66 lakhs
1POUND IS Eqalto how much
Indian currency is Rupee (Re).
189875000.00 Indian Rupee
Indian rupee
This depends on what dollar 1 US Dollar in Indian Rupee is 63.60 1 Australian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 50.32 1 Barbardian in Indiian Rupee is 31.98 1 Bahamian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 64.01 1 Canadian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 51.04 1 New Zealand Dollar in Indian Rupee is 46.15
Danish Indian rupee ended in 1845.
how much 5500000 pounds in indian rupee
1500 indian rupee
Indian Rupee is stronger than PKR (Pakistani Rupee). Though, PKR improved a bit against INR (Inidan Rupee) in recent months but still, it is approximately 0.63 of INR.1 PKR = 0.63 INR
The currency of India is the Indian rupee.
No. As of May 2013 one Indian Rupee is worth about .5 Mauritian rupees.
The Indian currency is called the Indian Rupee (INR) and the coins are called paise. One Rupee consists of 100 paise.