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baan ....

baan is a software rest are not ....

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Q: Wap b http c baan d arp?
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Select the odd one out a wap b http c baan d arp?

ans: c wap,http,arp are internet protocos, whereas baan vendor erp software

Select the odd one out a smtp b wap c sap d arp?

except sap all r protocol. so sap is required answer.. smtp: simple mail transfer protocol wap: wireless application protocol arp: address resolution protocol sap is an enterprise software

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Wap to display string in the ascending order in java?

public class CreateDatabase{ public static void main(){ int a=10; int b=20; int result =a+b; System.out.println(result); } }

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What are the limitations of WAP devices?

Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is the standard for the presentation and delivery of wireless information through mobile devices and wireless terminals. It is backed up by global WAP specification based on existing standards of the internet for all networks in order for the subscribers of the telecommunication community to benefit the features offered by the application. It was theorized that WAP would revolutionize the internet experience of mankind but apparently it did not. Many people would wonder why WAP was not able to penetrate into the core of the internet-user’s existence, particularly the avid fans’ desires to have the application over rule common sense. The answer is pretty simple – wireless application protocol has exceeded the expectations of the technological industry that present-day communication devices that enable the application disintegrate their functionality Even in today’s highly modernized and advanced technological applications, WAP still has some limitations to its applications. Four of the major limitations of wireless application protocol are directly related to the devices currently being used to use the application and the capabilities of the mobile networks to provide faster and more efficient WAP solutions (Danielyan, 2008). That is to say that even if WAP is fairly advanced and has great potential to revolutionize the way people experience interconnectivity, it could not show its optimal strength because of the existing issues with hand-held devices that transmits and receives WAP technology. These four limitations are (a) inability of mobile devices using WAP to transfer large amount of data, (b) speed by which WAP is transferred from mobile networks to the devices, (c) the high cost of WAP, and (d) unusually high cost of upgrade to a WAP device and upgrade WAP content (Landers, 2002).

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Program that generates and displays the Fibonacci?

/*WAP to display Fibonacci series*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,a=0,b=1,c; scanf("%d",&n); printf("%d\n%d",a,b); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { c=a+b; a=b; b=c; printf("\n%d",c); } getch(); }

Wap to display the Fibonacci series?

#include<stdio.h> main() { int a=0,b=1,n,c,i; printf("enter number"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("%d\n",a); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { c=a+b; printf("%d\n",c); b=a; a=c; } getch(); }

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most phones now support Multimedia Messenging however if yours does not your network provider will normally send you a web address to retrieve the message online mobail no 0531625609 password:doo8pe3

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