One Pound GBP in 1600 had the purchasing power of about £131.20 GBP today.
As of today 12/21/2009, $6,500 is equal to 4,037 pounds. Todays market value of the pound is 1.61 USD per Pound.
The face value of anything is whatever is written on it. The face value of a Pound, is a Pound. If you want to find out what the current exchange rate in US Dollars is for a British Pound, see the link below.
The Apaxmai, pronounced Drachmai in Greek, was the currency used in that country before they adopted the Euro in 2002. If Greece was still using it today, the value of 200 apaxmai against the English pound would be around £0.563 or half a pound if rounded off.
TO know daily currency rates visit this site.Rates update here daily!!!Also know POUND TODAY POUND RATEwww.forexarticale.blogspot.comCOPY THIS LINK AND PASTE INTO U R BROWSER
A British Pound in 1999 has the purchasing power of about £1.16 GBP today.
As of today (01APR2011), 1 British Pound Sterling is worth about $1.61 US Dollars.
A British Pound in 1799 had the purchasing power of about £62.87 GBP today.
One Pound GBP in 1953 had the purchasing power of about £18.67 GBP today.
One Pound GBP in 1972 had the purchasing power of about £8.80 GBP today.
One Pound GBP in 1929 had the purchasing power of about £40.50 GBP today.
One Pound GBP in 1600 had the purchasing power of about £131.20 GBP today.
One Pound GBP in 1950 had the purchasing power of about £23 GBP today.
One Pound GBP in 1980 had the purchasing power of about £2.87 GBP today.
One Pound GBP in 1979 had the purchasing power of about £3.40 GBP today.
In 1890, the value of one pound would have been equivalent to approximately £104.76 in today's terms, based on the historical inflation data.