1. Financial Analysis refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project.It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements and other reports. These reports are usually presented to top management as one of their bases in making business decisions.2. Automation is the use of control systems such as computers to control processes, reducing the need for human intervention.SO, automated financial analysis is using computers with control systems (an expert system with rules) to analyze financial information.HOW DO YOU DO THIS? There is a program called ProfitCents that performs automated financial analysis. ProfitCents is a web-based application that allows users to input an income statement and balance sheet to generate a text write-up of the financial performance of a person, business, or non-profit organization.
There are many limitations, or "problems" with ratio analysis.Ratio analysis only gives a numeric result of a formula, but it does not tell you why a result is gained. To be useful, the result therefore needs to be further analysed.Anyone can plug numbers into a formula, but the figures need to be related to the actual scenario/organisation in question to find out why a result is such as it is.A further problem with ratio analysis is that different people/organisations can use different basis upon which to build a result. For example, "how profitable is my company?" .... we can calculate operational profit, net profit, gross profit and get very different answers, but still be talking about profitability.Ratio analysis is also subject to potential manipulation to make a result "look better".
Cost benefit analysis and other management tools will help businesses avoid problems. When they assess a situation on paper, they are able to see potential problems and avoid losing money.
Leverage is using debt to finance investments.Leverage ratio is the ratio between the size of the debt and some metric for the value of the investment.There are several financial leverage ratios, for companies the debt-to-equity ratio is the most common one: Total debt / shareholder equity.As an example we can use the debt-to-equity ratio for a home with a market value of $110,000 and a mortgage of $100,000: Debt is $100,000 and equity is $10,000 (market value minus debt), giving a debt-to-equity ratio of 100,000/10,000 = 10.The general idea is that very low leverage means that a company isn't growing as quickly as it could, while a very high leverage means that a company is vulnerable to temporary setbacks in sales or increases in interest rate.What is considered a 'good' ratio varies quite a bit between different types of business.See also related links.
debt to asset ratio income to outgo ratio
ratio analysis
RATIO ANALYSIS Meaning and definition of ratio analysis: Ratio analysis is a widely used tool of financial analysis. It is defined as the systematic use of ratio to interpret the financial statements so that the strength and weaknesses of a firm as well as its historical performance and current financial condition can be determined. The term ratio refers to the numerical or quantitative relationship between two variables. Significance or Importance of ratio analysis: • It helps in evaluating the firms performance: With the help of ratio analysis conclusion can be drawn regarding several aspects such as financial health, profitability and operational efficiency of the undertaking. Ratio points out the operating efficiency of the firm i.e. whether the management has utilized the firm's assets correctly, to increase the investor's wealth. It ensures a fair return to its owners and secures optimum utilization of firms assets •It helps in inter-firm comparison: Ratio analysis helps in inter-firm comparison by providing necessary data. An interfirm comparison indicates relative position.It provides the relevant data for the comparison of the performance of different departments. If comparison shows a variance, the possible reasons of variations may be identified and if results are negative, the action may be intiated immediately to bring them in line. •It simplifies financial statement: The information given in the basic financial statements serves no useful Purpose unless it s interrupted and analyzed in some comparable terms. The ratio analysis is one of the tools in the hands of those who want to know something more from the financial statements in the simplified manner.
The word regression is a noun. It cannot be an adjective. When it is paired with another noun, it is a noun adjunct.Examples:"In statistics, regression analysis refers to techniques for modeling and analyzing several variables""Regression techniques are used by psychologists."
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Possible maybe
RATIO ANALYSIS Meaning and definition of ratio analysis: Ratio analysis is a widely used tool of financial analysis. It is defined as the systematic use of ratio to interpret the financial statements...measure of a firms ability to meet short term cash payments. bassically liquidity ratios show how good a business is at paying off its debts. hope this helps :)liquidity ratios include current ratio (which is current assets/current liabilities) and acid test (which is current assets- stock/current liabilities.) liquidity ratio's shows how good a business is...
Ratio analysis is a quantitative procedure of obtaining a look into a firm’s functional efficiency, liquidity, revenues, and profitability by analysing its financial records and statements. Ratio analysis is a very important factor that will help in doing an analysis of the fundamentals of equity. Analysts and investors make use of the methods for ratio analysis to study and evaluate the fiscal wellbeing of businesses by closely examining the historical performance and monetary statements.
Roza Sjamsoe'oed has written: 'The use of logistic regression for developing habitat association models' -- subject(s): Regression analysis, Mathematical models, Habitat (Ecology)
Alpha is not generally used in regression analysis. Alpha in statistics is the significance level. If you use a TI 83/84 calculator, an "a" will be used for constants, but do not confuse a for alpha. Some may, in derivation formulas for regression, use alpha as a variable so that is the only item I can think of where alpha could be used in regression analysis. Added: Though not generally relevant when using regression for prediction, the significance level is important when using regression for hypothesis testing. Also, alpha is frequently and incorrectly confused with the constant "a" in the regression equation Y = a + bX where a is the intercept of the regression line and the Y axis. By convention, Greek letters in statistics are sometimes used when referring to a population rather than a sample. But unless you are explicitly referring to a population prediction, and your field of study follows this convention, "alpha" is not the correct term here.
Yes there is software that will allow you to perform nonprofit financial analysis. It's called ProfitCents and can be found at www.profitcents.com. The ProfitCents for Nonprofits report is designed to analyze nonprofit organizations. Included in the report is narrative text, graphs, ratio analysis, and peer comparisons. Accountants use this report for presentations to nonprofit managers, board members, or leaders who understand how to run an NPO, but who may not understand financial analysis or how it applies to an NPO.
Creditors use finanical statement analysis because it makes it easier for them.
If the regression sum of squares is the explained sum of squares. That is, the sum of squares generated by the regression line. Then you would want the regression sum of squares to be as big as possible since, then the regression line would explain the dispersion of the data well. Alternatively, use the R^2 ratio, which is the ratio of the explained sum of squares to the total sum of squares. (which ranges from 0 to 1) and hence a large number (0.9) would be preferred to (0.2).