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Asking questions and not interrupting

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Q: There is an important balance to strive for when actively listening to a speaker Which two things must you balance?
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When actively listening to a speaker it is important to balance which two things?

When actively listening to a speaker, it is important to balance your focus between understanding the speaker's perspective and staying engaged in the conversation. This involves giving the speaker your full attention while also processing and reflecting on the information they are sharing.

What is more important for the manager speaking accurately or listening actively?

Both. Asking questions and not interrupting What should you absolutely avoid when you are actively listening to a speaker?why? (Unnecessary interruptions)

When listening to a speaker it is important to balance which two things?

Asking questions and not interrupting

What exactly is active listening?

a type of listening in which the listener focuses on the speaker and actively tries to draw the speaker's intended meaning out of his or her words

How would you define listening?

A type of listening in which the listener focuses on the speaker and actively tries to draw the speaker's intended meaning out of his or her words

What do you do in responsive listening?

In responsive listening, you actively engage with the speaker by providing feedback, paraphrasing their words, asking clarifying questions, and showing empathy. It involves showing that you are actively listening and understanding the speaker's message.

What is active listening?

Accurately hearing what is said by focusing attention on the speaker

How can you respond if you are actively listening but you didn't understand something the speaker said?

Ask Questions

The type of listening frequently referred to when teachers and managers criticize poor listening?

Passive listening. This type of listening involves simply hearing the speaker without actively engaging or processing the information being communicated. It can lead to misunderstandings and lack of retention of important information.

What type of listening occurs when a listener engages the speaker with verbal feed back?

Reflective listening occurs when a listener engages the speaker with verbal feedback, such as paraphrasing, summarizing, or clarifying what the speaker said. This type of listening involves actively listening to the speaker's message and then reflecting back what was heard to demonstrate understanding and empathy.

How can you show that you are actively listening?

You can show that you are actively listening by making eye contact, nodding your head, asking relevant questions, and summarizing or paraphrasing what the speaker has said. These actions demonstrate that you are engaged and focused on the conversation.

When actively listening it is not necessary to show agreement with the message?

That's correct. Actively listening involves focusing on the speaker without necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with their message. It's about showing empathy and understanding their perspective.