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Q: The people needed to run a business are called?
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What is money needed to run a business called?

Its called cashh moneeyyy booo

What is the money equipment labor etc. needed to run a business called?


What are the qualifications needed to own and run your own small business?

what qualifations are needed run my own business?

What is it called when people open and run their own businesses?

People who open a business are often called entrepreneurs. And some are just called "small business owners." Once it is up and running it is called "a going concern"

Why are people important in the business environment?

A business can only run if there are people that can run a business these would be called the owner's, manager's ect... the business also need people to make the product with is the employee's. if there is going to be a product produce they need people to buy it customers (s). to make the Product the need raw materials e.g. paper, food ect... they need people to provide this which would be the suppliers. all of these people all come under a group called stakeholders and they our the blood of the business. no people no business. simple!! hope it help! :)

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Is the money needed to run a business or enable it to grow larger?

Financial Capital

What is a organizer of a team or a business?

In any organization or team there are always people to run the business activities or team activities. These people can be called "Managers". The manager is the person who is engaged in running the team or business with the people who are under his supervision. An organizer can also be a "Leader."

Can you have a dog training biz at the age of ten?

No. You will need an adult to the run the business. To have a real working business you need to file papers with the city/town, have a place to do your business, and bill people. All of this requires you to be at least 18 to be able to sign contracts and do the things needed to have a business.

Why people engage bisiness?

people run business to earn money

What is entrpreneurial class?

The class of people who run a business.

Why do policy needed?

Policy is created in a business situation for employers and employees are on the same common ground. Policies help a business run smoothly.