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After his coronation in 1066, William the Conqueror claimed that all the land in England now belonged to him. William retained about a fifth of this land for his own use. The rest was distributed to those men who had helped him defeat Harold at the Battle of Hastings. The 170 tenants-in-chief (or barons) had to provide armed men on horseback for military service. The number of knights a baron had to provide depended on the amount of land he had been given.

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Q: The feudal system in 1066
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William the Conqueror instituted the feudal system to govern with when he won the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

When did William introduce thew Feudal System?

It started when he became king in 1066. The feudal system was with the king at the top then the barons then came the knights then the peasant's.

How did the feudal systm work for William the conpour 1066?

William created the system to retain power and to control the population.

Did Romans use the feudal system?

No, the feudal system was a medieval system.

Was the feudal systems new?

Feudem is a Latin word meaning to give land in return for services. As king, William owned all the land in England. But he could not manage it on his own, and he wanted to reward those supporters who had helped him beat Harold in the Battle of Hastings. So he shared the land with his loyal followers. William lent large estates of land to powerful barons. They gave smaller areas of this land, called manors, to knights. Knights were fighting men with little knowledge of farming. So they shared their manors among peasants, or villeins, who worked on it. Lending land in this way was called the feudal system. In the system, each person made promises in return for their land. The feudal system was totally new, however before 1066 their was an organising like the feudal system. But unlike the feudal system the people did not have to make promises for their land, they had to pay money for their land. As in both systems there was ranking of the people and the king was at the top and then to follow was the church. In the system before 1066 the rankings were in the following order The king and the Church , the earls, the thegns, the ceorls, the cottars and the serfs. After 1066 in the feudal system the ranking were in the following order The king and the Church, the barons, the knights, the villeins

Where did the feudal system exist?

feudal is the answer

What was one of the outgrowths of the feudal system?

Chivalry was an outgrowth of the feudal system

what hasn't changed since 1066?

Basically, how William changed it to suit his needs was a difference in itself not only that but he also introduced castles the feudal system stayed the same I guess

What was the ruling system the Normans introduced in 1066?


Who brought order and security to the middle ages?

The feudal form of control and depending on where you were William the Conqueror in 1066 and Constantine.

What responsibilitys did peasants have in feudal system?

They supported the entire feudal system by working the land.