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You haven't explained what the "beneficiary funds" consisted of or where you got them. If the funds came from a joint account with you and the decedent or from a "payable on death" account with you as the beneficiary the funds are not part of the probate estate. You should visit the court where the probate was filed immediately if you think you are a victim of fraud by the administrator. You can file a motion to have your question answered after a review by the court. If the administrator is mishandling the estate she can be removed and replaced by the court.

You haven't explained what the "beneficiary funds" consisted of or where you got them. If the funds came from a joint account with you and the decedent or from a "payable on death" account with you as the beneficiary the funds are not part of the probate estate. You should visit the court where the probate was filed immediately if you think you are a victim of fraud by the administrator. You can file a motion to have your question answered after a review by the court. If the administrator is mishandling the estate she can be removed and replaced by the court.

You haven't explained what the "beneficiary funds" consisted of or where you got them. If the funds came from a joint account with you and the decedent or from a "payable on death" account with you as the beneficiary the funds are not part of the probate estate. You should visit the court where the probate was filed immediately if you think you are a victim of fraud by the administrator. You can file a motion to have your question answered after a review by the court. If the administrator is mishandling the estate she can be removed and replaced by the court.

You haven't explained what the "beneficiary funds" consisted of or where you got them. If the funds came from a joint account with you and the decedent or from a "payable on death" account with you as the beneficiary the funds are not part of the probate estate. You should visit the court where the probate was filed immediately if you think you are a victim of fraud by the administrator. You can file a motion to have your question answered after a review by the court. If the administrator is mishandling the estate she can be removed and replaced by the court.

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You haven't explained what the "beneficiary funds" consisted of or where you got them. If the funds came from a joint account with you and the decedent or from a "payable on death" account with you as the beneficiary the funds are not part of the probate estate. You should visit the court where the probate was filed immediately if you think you are a victim of fraud by the administrator. You can file a motion to have your question answered after a review by the court. If the administrator is mishandling the estate she can be removed and replaced by the court.

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Q: The administrator made you put your own beneficiary funds into the estate account advising it was required. Can you sue her for fraud or petition the court to remove her?
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Is there anything you can do if your chapter 13 was dismissed after confirmation for failure to make payments on time?

No, except wait until the required time limit for refiling has expired and file another bankruptcy petition.

What would you think if a trustee asks you to sign away your rights to a trust so he can reinvest the money?

A person with assets sometimes decides to set aside some of those assets in a trust that will pay over the profits, or assets for the use and benefit of another person. A trustee is appointed to act in regards to the trust property. Generally, the power to reinvest the trust property is included in the powers of the trustee. A beneficiary would not be required to sign away rights as a beneficiary so the trust funds could be reinvested. The beneficiary is someone the donor cares about. The trust instrument, written by the donor, directs what the trustee may do with the trust property and how the payments must be made to the beneficiary. The trustee MUST follow the provisions of the trust unless the trust instrument allows her/him to use discretion. To your question: It raises suspicion that the trustee has asked that you "sign away your rights in the trust". You should seek the advice of an attorney who could review the trust and the actions of the trustee and advise you on how you should proceed in order to protect your interests as a beneficiary. Until then, sign nothing.

How does one rollover a 401k account into an IRA?

First, one must open a Roth IRA account. Then one must contact your human resources department, who will send you to the 401k plan administrator. One may then request the required paperwork. Somewhere on the form, there should be an option to roll the account straight into an IRA.

What are letters of credit?

A letter of credit is basically a promise to pay a certain sum of money to a seller. Letters of credit are issued by banks to see that sellers are paid as long as they deliver the goods or services required by the buyer.A letter of credit is thus a document issued by a buyer's bank to a seller of goods or services, to whom the payment is guaranteed, provided the seller delivers the goods or services required by a third-party buyer. The issuer after making the payment to the seller, collects the amount from the buyer. The document acts essentially as a guarantee to the seller that it will be paid by the issuer of the letter of credit, regardless of whether the buyer ultimately pays or not. Thus, the risk that the buyer may fail to pay the money is transferred from the seller to the letter of credit's issuer- namely, the bank.Letters of credit are common in international trade for large transactions between a supplier in one country and a buyer in another country because the bank acts as an neutral party between the buyer and the seller.The International Chamber of Commerce Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits is followed (UCP 600 being the latest version) while issuing a LC.The parties to a letter of credit are the supplier, usually called the beneficiary, the issuing bank, of whom the buyer is a client and in some cases an advising bank where the beneficiary is a client. Almost all letters of credit are irrevocable, i.e., cannot be amended or canceled without the consent of the beneficiary, issuing bank, and confirming bank, if any. In executing a transaction, letters of credit incorporate functions common togiros and travelers's cheques.M.J.SUBRAMANYAM, XCHANGING TECHNOLOGY SERVICES, BANGALORE

Can you transfer equities from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA for your required minimum distribution?

Yes, you can do that. You'll obviously pay on the RMD from the normal IRA and then make a contribution to the Roth. However, there are many limits on who can contribute to a Roth and those would still be in effect. (Which normally makes it unfeasible). For for more details you should discuss with your own IRA administrator.

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If the estate of a decedent needs probating and no one has come forward to administer the estate, then the county Public Administrator may petition to be appointed the administrator. They are required to perform their duties under the law as any administrator. They would need to petition the court for a license to sell the real estate. The proceeds would escheat to the state to be placed in a fund. If an heir ever comes forward and can prove their status as an heir they can make a claim for the net proceeds.

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Yes, a beneficiary is not required to receive anything they don't want.

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An adult child can be the executor. They can also be a beneficiary. They are required to be impartial when distributing the estate.

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If the person has died, if you are beneficiary, the executor is required to notify you. If they are still alive, the only way is to ask them. There is no requirement that they tell you!

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There are many skills required to be a payroll administrator. These include being numerate, being able to work well in a team, and strong communication skills.

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In order to run the Recovery Console, a user has to have elevated rights. The administrator is the one who has those rights. As such, the admin password will be required.

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Beneficiary Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) When you are the beneficiary of a retirement plan, specific IRS rules regulate the minimum withdrawals you must take. If you want to simply take your inherited money right now and pay taxes, you can. But if you want to defer taxes as long as possible, there are certain distribution requirements with which you must comply. Use this calculator to determine your Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) as a beneficiary of a retirement account.

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An executor is sending my husband a letter Is he a beneficiary?

If an executor is sending your husband a letter, it is likely that he is a beneficiary or that he is required at the signing of some type of paperwork. He might also owe money to an estate.

Who gets the money if the beneficiary to a policy dies one week after the policy owner?

The proceeds would become a part of the beneficiary's estate unless there was some special language attached to the policy that required the beneficiary to outlive the decedent by a certain time period such as 30 days.

Why the error messag -The custom form cannot be opened Outlook will use an Outlook form instead. the form required to view this message cannot be displayed Contact your administrator?

Try logging in as the Administrator. If this is not possible, then as the message said, contact your administrator.