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Q: THE theoretical premise that the sum of 1 plus 2 plus 3 will equal 7 or more is known as?
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That type of argument is known as deductive reasoning. It involves drawing a specific conclusion based on a general premise or set of premises.

What type of argument starts from a more general idea to reach a more specific conclusion?

A deductive argument starts from a more general idea to reach a more specific conclusion. It involves moving from a premise that is universally accepted to a specific conclusion that logically follows from that premise.

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You can't figure this out; at leaste more should be known about 'What reaction' and 'How much' is reacting under 'What circumstances'

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Yes, Albert Einstein was a renowned scientist known for his groundbreaking work in theoretical physics. He is most famous for developing the theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity.

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No, Stephen Hawking did not have any pets. He was known to be more focused on his work in the field of theoretical physics rather than having pets.

How do you start a debate about how beauty is more important than brains?

With a flawed premise.

Which theoretical approach gives an evolutionary explanation of why the sexual double standard is found around the world?

This is known as the attachment theory. Check out the related link to learn more about this subject.

Why could an actual yield be more than a theoretical yield?

An actual yield can be more than a theoretical yield due to incomplete reaction conversion, impurities in reactants, or unexpected side reactions. These factors can result in more product being formed than predicted by theoretical calculations.

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Not much is known about Schizophrenia, but it is known that boys and girls have an equal ratio to receiving Schizophrenia.

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experimental probability

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Science can be broken down as either practical (or physical) and theoretical. Any of the purely theoretical sciences are difficult to quantify as to their complexity although theoretical astrophysics with their work with string theory and n-dimensional interactions would rank as being very obtuse from the layman's point of view.