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It depends on how often you get payed and how much you owe.

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Q: Should you make weekly or monthly payments to your loan?
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How does a bi weekly loan payment work?

A bi-weekly auto loan is the WORST way to go. You pay twice as much in interest. they calculate a total of monthly payments and have you pay every other week rather than every month. If you go to you will never pay bi-weekly payments.

Bi-weekly Auto Loan Calculator?

Bi-weekly Auto Loan Calculator This calculator shows you possible savings by using an accelerated bi-weekly auto loan payment. Bi-weekly payments accelerate your auto loan payoff by paying 1/2 of your normal monthly payment every two weeks. By the end of each year, you will have paid the equivalent of 13 monthly payments instead of 12. This simple technique can shave years off your auto loan and save you hundreds to thousands of dollars in interest. Click on the "View Report" button to see your savings!

Alternative Payment Frequencies?

Alternative Payment Frequencies Use this calculator to determine your payment or loan amount for different payment frequencies. You can make payments weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. You can then examine your principal balances by payment, total of all payments made, and total interest paid.

How many monthly payments are there in a 30-year loan?


In general, how are monthly car loan payments figured out?

Monthly car loan paymnts are calculated by adding the interest to the balance and diviing it into equal payments for a set time frame. You can find a car loan calcultor at

Will a loan auto calculator help you figure out your monthly payments?

A loan auto calculator is made for precisely that, figuring out your monthly payments. They are straight forward to use and clearly state exactly what information they need to calculate your monthly payment.

Will an interest only loan calculator help me determine my monthly payments?

An interest only loan calculator will not help you to determine your overall monthly payments. This will only calculate your total interest payment. To know the total cost of your loan use a loan calculator.

How can I estimate my car payment?

You can calculate this on a monthly loan calculator, available online. You must input information and it will give you an estimate of your monthly loan payments.

Is an amortization loan worth it?

Amortization is just another name for the monthly payments you will be making. It is not a type of loan.

How does a vehicle loan calculator work?

A vehicle loan calculator helps you to work out your monthly repayments. You choose the vehicle value or loan amount and the length period of the loan. Then the calculator will work out your monthly payments.

What are your monthly payments?

Monthy payments are payments you make every month, like a house payment, loan payment, water, electric, gas (for heating), phone, insurance if you pay monthly, etc.

What kind of information do I need to calculate the monthly payments on my loan?

You monthly payment on a loan is largely based on your monthly income. usually you are expected to pay 15% percent of you income to you debtors or creditors.