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Q: Should you include bad debt reserve in the DSO calculation?
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Does interest expense include both short term and long term debt in its calculation?

yes .it should be include both short term and long-term debt in its caliculation. yes .it should be include both short term and long-term debt in its caliculation. yes .it should be include both short term and long-term debt in its caliculation.

Does the us government have enough money in reserve to pay its debt?

The United States of America currently has approx. 77 trillion dollars worth of assets and 113 trillion in debt that is including all the money in reserve. so no the Us does not have enough money in reserve to pay out its debt.

Sample letter on how to restructure debt?

A debt restructuring letter should include some of the instances that make it difficult to pay the debt as it is. Some of the information to include are issues like unexpected accidents, loss of employment and divorce.

Why is the debt to tangible net worth usually higher than the debt-equity ratio?

Because for the calculation of the debt to to tangible assets ratio ONLY the tangible assets (machinery, buildings and land, and current assets, such as inventory, etc...) are taken into consideration for the calculation VS the debt ratio where ALL of the assets (tangible and intangible such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill and brand recognition) are taken into consideration for the calculation.

What is a federal reserve bond?

That would be an illegal issuance of debt by the US Federal Reserve, which is not authorized to do so by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 or any subsequent legislation.

Related questions

Does interest expense include both short term and long term debt in its calculation?

yes .it should be include both short term and long-term debt in its caliculation. yes .it should be include both short term and long-term debt in its caliculation. yes .it should be include both short term and long-term debt in its caliculation.

What is a free debt collection calculation software?

Several of the best free debt collection calculation software includes the following applications : Decca , Collections MAX , Garnishee and Excalibur.

Does the us government have enough money in reserve to pay its debt?

The United States of America currently has approx. 77 trillion dollars worth of assets and 113 trillion in debt that is including all the money in reserve. so no the Us does not have enough money in reserve to pay out its debt.

What occurs if energy reserve in a muscle are depleted after heavy exercise?

an oxygen debt

Why is the debt to tangible net worth usually higher than the debt-equity ratio?

Because for the calculation of the debt to to tangible assets ratio ONLY the tangible assets (machinery, buildings and land, and current assets, such as inventory, etc...) are taken into consideration for the calculation VS the debt ratio where ALL of the assets (tangible and intangible such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill and brand recognition) are taken into consideration for the calculation.

Sample letter on how to restructure debt?

A debt restructuring letter should include some of the instances that make it difficult to pay the debt as it is. Some of the information to include are issues like unexpected accidents, loss of employment and divorce.

What is Debenture Redemption Reserve?

Debenture is a debt instrument to raise funds. It has a maturity period associated with it. At the end of the maturity, the company(borrower) should return the interest and principal amount. Debenture Redemption Reserve is an amount kept as reserve for paying the debenture holder at the end of the maturity period.

What is a federal reserve bond?

That would be an illegal issuance of debt by the US Federal Reserve, which is not authorized to do so by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 or any subsequent legislation.

When filing bankruptcy do you include pending law suits?

Yes, if the lawsuit has been filed it should be included - or if you know its going to be filed you should include as a possible debt.

What is the purpose of a debt service reserve fund in a revenue bond issue?

A fund in which moneys are placed in reserve to be used to pay debt service if pledged revenues are insufficient to satisfy the debt service requirements. The debt service reserve fund may be entirely funded with bond proceeds at the time of issuance, may be funded over time through the accumulation of pledged revenues, or may be funded only upon the occurrence of a specified event (e.g., upon failure to comply with a covenant in the bond contract). In addition, issuers may sometimes authorize the provision of a surety bond or letter of credit to satisfy the debt service reserve fund requirement in lieu of cash. If the debt service reserve fund is used in whole or part to pay debt service, the issuer usually is required to replenish the fund from the first available revenues.

How can you find out who you originally owed if a debt collection company is now collecting?

After being contacted by a collection agency you have thirty days to request confirmation of the debt. Their response should include the balance owed and the place where the debt was originally incurred.

What is meant by the interest coverage ratio?

The interest coverage ratio is the calculation that determines a company's ability to repay debt payments. It is this calculation that determines whether or not companies are able to obtain loans.