No,a foreclosure house is quite risky and you should not buy it . if you are looking to boy a house there are some Homes for sale in Montgomery, AL
about a year or two
can you get a grant to buy a house
Based on income & how many borrowers. You should qualify before starting shopping.
I don't think that you can't buy a house without money.
As long as the home has been inspected and you have a termite bond there should not be a problem. The exterminator should take care of any "live" infestation and will inspect the house for structural integrity.
How do you know if you need termite control for your house? My house is mostly brick, but it does have some wood.
not necessarily reject it, but do make sure it is going to be treated before you buy
do we have to fumigate outside after the termite is removed
The 3 best ways of killing termites would be Liquid Termite Treatment (by spraying them around your house), How can you kill a termite (applied like a coat of paint to your house hold goods) and Termite Baits (baits are placed around the place)
In a house, Or outside. :)
You can hire a termite inspector to search through hard-to-reach areas in your house and find potential termite nests. Pay attention to moist areas or cracks on the floor and wall for termites.
There are organic measures for termite control. That would be using a natural predator to the termite, like the nematodes or ants. But this will not help if the termites have already invested a house.
The termite is the insect that is also referred to as a white ant. Termites are pests that will eat through the foundation of a house.
I believe a termite inspection is required before you can sell a house, so presumably you will have your house inspected by a man from Termites R Us and he will give you one, assuming you have no termites. Phil
go buy a golden house