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You should only take out an unsecured, personal loan if you are in dire straights. It is becoming more and more common for individuals to take out these loans, due to the economy. However, they can be dangerous, because the rates you pay can change from low to high in the drop of a hat, leaving you worse off than you were before.

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Q: Should you bother taking out unsecured personal loans?
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What to consider taking out an unsecured personal loan?

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What should you consider before taking out an unsecured loan?

A few things to consider before taking our an unsecured loan are: 1. Can you afford the extra payment? 2. What is the loan for, is it something I really need. And 3. How long would it take me to save for the item I will be buying with the money from the loan?

Where can I find out more about taking out an unsecured loan?

The websites for Capital One and Investopedia both contain valuable information about unsecured loans and the pros and cons of taking out these types of loans. However, these loans do need to be paid back and should not be used in place of proper money management.

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A friend told you that she is a lesbian now you feel funny taking a shower at the gym with her what should you do?

* Your friend is absolutely no different than she was with you before with the exception she had the guts to be honest with you. Instead of letting this personal information from your friend divide you as friends it's better to communicate with her and talk things out. She is who she is, but be sure you let her know that you are straight and want to remain as good friends and nothing more. She didn't bother you in the shower before and I highly doubt she'll bother now. She's just your female friend!

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Perfectly safe, but why bother taking it at all if it's not working and you still want to drink? Get some antabuse.

If you have unsecured loans and credit if since taking them you've brought a house if you do debt consolidation will it affect your house?

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Use plenty in a sentence?

Plenty of people don't even bother taking their change from vending machines.

Are there any type of low interest loans available for the unemployed?

Every lender or financial institution is is going to inquire about your past credit history. People with low FICO scores can expect high interest rates as a result of the added risks banks are taking on for financing high risk unsecured personal loans.

What should you do if you and your boyfriend want to make out but there's always a teacher nearby?

Just take him to a place where teachers aren't around. You could try taking him to your house or just go to a nice place where no one will bother you.

What is personal accountability?

It's taking responsibilikty for your actions.