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There can be no definitive answer to the question as it not only involves legal matters but also personal and family ones. Only the person considering suing a family member can decide if it is worth doing after considering all the possible negative consequences.

In the legal sense, yes, a parent can sue an adult child for a debt and vice-versa.

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Q: Should I sue my daughter if she owe's me money?
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Yes, you can sue a person from another state if that person owes you money. Access your local small claims court to file the lawsuit.

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You should consult an attorney to discuss your options and whether a child can sue for back child support in your state. There may be a statute of limitations.

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Type your answer here... yes and no it all depends on on the phone you use

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It will depend on the documentation and when the debt was incurred. The executor can bring suit on behalf of the estate.

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Mom can sue daughter in Small Claims Court.

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You haven't explained the reason the broker owes you money. Generally a person must sue the party who owes them money. If successful the court will issue a judgment lien that can be served on the debtor and recorded in the land records. It can be used by the sheriff to seize any property to satisfy the lien.

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For any reason, if you believe the plaintiff owes you money. If you are requesting anything other than money, or if the amount of money you are requesting exceeds the small claims maximum, see an attorney in your area.