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Short Sale:

Now, for the sake of argument, let’s say the value value on the property is only $80,000. This is what an investor, someone like us, would be willing to pay for it. If we paid any more, with all the repairs we have to do, holding costs, paying utilities, insurance and taxes on it for a few months then selling to someone else, we would never make a profit on the house – and we are a for profit business. A buyer would not be willing to pay more than the $80,000 value of the home.

This means you can’t sell your house, because you know that you’d have to come up with the 20 grand difference there to pay off your mortgage balance. The lender is not going to sell it unless they approve a short sell. In other words the lender can allow you to sell your house for less than what you owe.

Go to the mortgage company, or the person holding your mortgage, like Wells Fargo, Bancorp South, Citibank or whoever it is here locally. You have been paying 600 or 1,000 bucks a month for the past few years, and hopefully you have built a good relationship with them. You can talk to them and see if they would consider selling less than the mortgage value. This is a short sale.


When you bought your house, you most likely signed a mortgage. That is an agreement on your part to pay back your loan according to the terms set forth from the beginning. If you stop making payments for any reason you have failed to deliver on your end of the contract. The lender has the right to take back your home and attempt to recover the money they loaned you by selling the property.

Missing a payment by a day or so is usually not much of a problem. Lenders are human too and most of them offer a 15-day grace period. There may be a late fee, but it beats losing your house. However, if you haven’t paid your mortgage for an extended period, the lender will probably start foreclosure proceedings. It can take anywhere from 2 to 12 months to complete, depending on where you live.

It’s a long and involved process for the lender, and this may give you time to take action and hopefully save your home. Here are three things you can do to get the best possible outcome when facing foreclosure.

If you are thinking of selling your house, We Buy Houses is the place to go. Please contact us.

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Foreclosure looks worse on your credit. Short sale buys you time in your home.

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Is a short sale better than foreclosure?

In most cases it is preferable to foreclosure. I disagree. A short Sale has less impact on your credit score than a foreclosure.

What is the difference between a foreclosure and short sale?

A foreclosure is the surrender of the property to the lien holder for nonpayment of the debt. A short sale is the sale of the property before the completion of the foreclosure in an attempt by the home buyer and the lender to avoid foreclosure proceedings.

Does a pending short sale stop foreclosure?

ProTitleUSA will help you in this matter on a professional level!

What is better a short sale or a foreclosure?

A short sale is always better. I will tell you why very definitively. When you purchase a home on a short sale you are helping a homeowner salvage their credit and dignity and helping them out of a bad situation. You are also preventing a large loss for the bank and getting a great deal for yourself. Everyone wins if it is done correctly. A foreclosure will have a very bad effect on a homeowner's credit and the bank will in most cases take a bigger loss than they would in a short sale. A sellers credit in a short sale will be damaged to a lesser extent than a foreclosure. In most circumstances if you have done a short sale you will not be able to get another loan for two to three years. In a foreclosure it is usually around five years before you can purchase another home.

Does a short sale happen when I stop making mortgage payments?

No. A foreclosure is what happens when you stop making mortgage payments. A short sale must be discussed and negotiated with the lender. In that case the lender agrees to accept the proceeds of a sale of the property even if they fall short of what is owed on the mortgage. They agree to forgive any remaining balance on the loan. It is a way to avoid a foreclosure. Not all lenders will agree to a short sale.

Related questions

Is a short sale better than foreclosure?

In most cases it is preferable to foreclosure. I disagree. A short Sale has less impact on your credit score than a foreclosure.

What is the difference between a foreclosure and short sale?

A foreclosure is the surrender of the property to the lien holder for nonpayment of the debt. A short sale is the sale of the property before the completion of the foreclosure in an attempt by the home buyer and the lender to avoid foreclosure proceedings.

What happens to your credit on a short sale?

A short sale will have a detrimental affect on your credit record but not as bad as a foreclosure.

Does a pending short sale stop foreclosure?

ProTitleUSA will help you in this matter on a professional level!

What is better a short sale or a foreclosure?

A short sale is always better. I will tell you why very definitively. When you purchase a home on a short sale you are helping a homeowner salvage their credit and dignity and helping them out of a bad situation. You are also preventing a large loss for the bank and getting a great deal for yourself. Everyone wins if it is done correctly. A foreclosure will have a very bad effect on a homeowner's credit and the bank will in most cases take a bigger loss than they would in a short sale. A sellers credit in a short sale will be damaged to a lesser extent than a foreclosure. In most circumstances if you have done a short sale you will not be able to get another loan for two to three years. In a foreclosure it is usually around five years before you can purchase another home.

Does a short sale happen when I stop making mortgage payments?

No. A foreclosure is what happens when you stop making mortgage payments. A short sale must be discussed and negotiated with the lender. In that case the lender agrees to accept the proceeds of a sale of the property even if they fall short of what is owed on the mortgage. They agree to forgive any remaining balance on the loan. It is a way to avoid a foreclosure. Not all lenders will agree to a short sale.

Can you get a short sale all the time?

A short sale is most often using when a homeowner is facing foreclosure. If the amount offered by a potential buyer of your house is less than the amount you owe your lender, you can ask the lender to accept the offered amount as payment in full. The lender does not have to agree to accept a short sale. They may elect to go ahead with a foreclosure because of other liens on the property (such as 2nd mortgages.) You can request a short sale by submitting a short sale hardship letter to your lender.

How do you stop trustee foreclosure sale in a few days in AZ?

The fastest way to stop a foreclosure on short notice is to either cure the debt or file for bankruptcy protection.

What is the time frame between foreclosure and sheriff sale?

The foreclosure process culminates with the foreclosure sale. In some jurisdictions the sale is conducted by a sheriff. One can say the foreclosure has been done when the sheriff's sale has been conducted. There is no time frame between the foreclosure and the sheriff's sale.If you want to know the time frame between the initial notice to foreclose and the foreclosure sale, you need to check in your particular jurisdiction. Times vary.The foreclosure process culminates with the foreclosure sale. In some jurisdictions the sale is conducted by a sheriff. One can say the foreclosure has been done when the sheriff's sale has been conducted. There is no time frame between the foreclosure and the sheriff's sale.If you want to know the time frame between the initial notice to foreclose and the foreclosure sale, you need to check in your particular jurisdiction. Times vary.The foreclosure process culminates with the foreclosure sale. In some jurisdictions the sale is conducted by a sheriff. One can say the foreclosure has been done when the sheriff's sale has been conducted. There is no time frame between the foreclosure and the sheriff's sale.If you want to know the time frame between the initial notice to foreclose and the foreclosure sale, you need to check in your particular jurisdiction. Times vary.The foreclosure process culminates with the foreclosure sale. In some jurisdictions the sale is conducted by a sheriff. One can say the foreclosure has been done when the sheriff's sale has been conducted. There is no time frame between the foreclosure and the sheriff's sale.If you want to know the time frame between the initial notice to foreclose and the foreclosure sale, you need to check in your particular jurisdiction. Times vary.

How do you stop the foreclosure sale date?

Call your lender and ask about options to stop foreclosure if they can't help contact HAFA. bankruptcy is automatic stay Short sale from an experienced Realtor visit: for more information.

Foreclosure vs short sale?

Ultimately the impact of a foreclosure to your credit rating and ability to borrow in the future is reason to choose the short sale over the foreclosure. Lenders will look more favorably upon a potential borrower that tried to work with the bank (via short sale) opposed to one who just walked away. The short sale process, when handled properly, can even result in a favorable narrative on your credit report, which will minimize the impact to your score. When looking for a short sale specialist, I suggest you make sure that agent has a trained mitigator that will negotiate with the bank on your behalf. Also, the agent you choose should have experience in the short sale market. Hope this helps! If you need more information or have other questions, just ask.

What is difference between foreclosure and short closure of contract?

A short closure of contract is typically called a short sale. In a short sale, the owner works with the bank to sell the property at a price less than the market value. The goal is to get as much of the loan paid as possible. The owners owe the bank the difference between the sale price and the loan amount whereas in a foreclosure the buyer just walks away and owes much more.