The banking sector is essentially where all the money in the world is at. To join the banking sector marks the start of a lucrative career.
There are many companies in the world that can be considered best. You have to be more precise about your question as in what sector and in which country you want to know.
I have chosen banking because i was keen on equipping myself with a strong foundation in banking. Banking is the public sector that is financial institution which is the most important business sector in the world.
State Bank of India is probably the largest public sector bank in the world. SBI and its subsidiary banks have more than 17,000 branches in India plus many more across the globe. I don't think any other bank in the world has so many branches. There are other banks in india & the world with thousands of branches but none with 17,000+ that are in operation.
Government Owned Life Insurance Corporation of India's New Jeevan Anand Policy is at present the best insurance policy in India, which is a mixture of endowment and whole life policy, which is indeed novel and unique in the whole world.
In the whole world, there are more farmers than any other profession. Farming is the biggest sector in all continents except Europe and North America.
The banking sector is essentially where all the money in the world is at. To join the banking sector marks the start of a lucrative career.
I read on the "about Australia" website, Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, service sector (, that Australia's major services are banking, financing, insurance, media, entertainment, tourism, retail, consulting, and government services such as education and health care. Also, according to the CIA world fact book, GDP- composition by sector, 71.1% of that is the service sector.
Because radical union liberals have to have THEIR way ALL THE TIME or they will not be happy. In simple English, the WHOLE WORLD revolves around them.
Share My World was created on 1997-04-23.
I'll Share My World with You was created in 1969.
According to the CIA World Factbook, Austria "has a large service sector, a relatively sound industrial sector, and a small, but highly developed agricultural sector."
It had a very deep and widespread effect on mankind. - it left the whole world economy destructed. -loss of human and wild life is very large. -it divide the world into two power sector usa and ussr leading to cold war.
I think it is the peoples republic of china. It is the second largest economic sector in the world.
What is the role of insurance in business world
World Bank IMF