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Over the years of helping people reported to chexsystems, I have seen so so many people and small businness owners wind up in chexsystems because they accepted a personal check that was either bad or considered fraudulent. UNFORTUNATELY BANKS WILL CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT SO FAST IF YOU DEPOSIT A CHECK THAT DOES NOT CLEAR and they will report it as fraud almost every time EVEN THOUGH IT IS NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN!!!

So whether you write checks or not, do not accept checks from ANYONE AND DEPOSIT THEN TO YOUR ACCOUNT unless you know the person extremely well.

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Q: Risks of accepting cheques
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Can cheques be falsified?

Yes. Cheques can be falsified but it is illegal. Only banks can issue Cheques to their customers. No one else is authorized or rather supposed to print Cheques. If anyone is found/caught printing/using bogus or fake Cheques they can be legally prosecuted and jailed for it.

What is the meaning of Non Micr cheques?

Defination for NON-MICR CHEQUES

How long does it take to clear travellers cheques?

travellers cheques do not have to be cleared, this only applies to regular cheques. travellers cheques are bought up front from a bank, so it is guaranteed cash to the person you are dealing with. If you should lose them or are stolen, the cheques are insured, so you will get your money back in a reasonable amount of time.

What are personalised cheques?

When you order cheques/checks and have your name/address/phone number imprinted along with your bank name and account number on them, the cheques/checks are considered to be "personalised". ASAP Cheques/ASAP Checks Bank quality cheques/checks without bank prices, ready to ship in 24 hours.

Can you issue blank cheques?

The answer is a BIG NO. DO NOT issue cheques to anyone that does not contain a cheque value.

Why did shops stop taking cheques?

they have stopped taking cheques because of fraud of signatures.

Do Waitrose accept cheques?

No. Asda stopped taking cheques on the 1st January 2007. Sainsbury stopped taking cheques on the 1st August 2007. Tesco stopped taking cheques on the 25th February 2008.