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Based on a 5.5 percent annual return, Marshall's original deposit was $265.

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Q: One year ago marahall made a deposit in a bank account that had an annual rate of 5.5 he now has 279.58 in his bank account how much money did marshall originally deposit?
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You can withdraw cash at your call deposit account at any time if you have a call deposit account. The current account has the sum of the income of the goods and service less the expenditure.

Do I need a certificate of deposit to deposit money into my account?

You do not need a certificate of deposit (also known as a CD) to deposit money into an account - unless you are attempting to deposit money into a CD account. Most banks only require you to have a regular savings account opened to be able to deposit money into a checking account for free. However, these terms vary by bank depending on which one you are using. Generally speaking, however, you should not have to open a CD to deposit funds into a regular checking account.

Can you deposit cash into a friends bank account?

Yes, if you know the account number. You will get a receipt for the deposit, but it will not show you your friend's account balance.

What is money in a checking account called?

Money in a checking account is called demand deposit.

What is Money put into an bank account called?

to deposit moneyA Deposit is the act of putting money into an account.

Difference between deposit account and call account?

Fixed Deposit Call Account -There is a fix Maturity -There is no Fix Maturity -Terms of Deposit are generally fixed -Terms Generally Varies -Deposit and withdrals can not be made at - Deposit and Withdrals can be made Any Time at any time

Difference between current account and call deposit account?

A call deposit account is a hybrid form of Current account and general saving account which allows us to withdraw money at any time as in current account and provides us interest on the deposit amount as in other saving account.