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As of 16Feb09 USD1 was worth INR48.60.

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Q: One dollar is equal to hw many Indian rupee?
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How many rupee's equal a dollar?

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How many Indian rupees equal one US dollar?

As of 20th June 2009, $1 = 48.03 Indian Rupeesat the current rate of exchange 1 US dollar (USD) = 47.1099 Indian rupee (INR)One rupees is equal to .... 47.7133 US dollar as of May 25, 2010At the current rate of exchange, 1 US dollar (USD) = 47.1099 Indian rupee (INR).

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In May 2013 one Nepalese rupee was worth .6 of an Indian Rupee.

How many yen is equal to 1 rupee?

One Japanese Yen is roughly 0.46 Indian Rupees. However currency exchange rates change on a regular basis.

One million Indian rupee is equal to how many Indian rupee?

One million rupees are equal to 10 crores Indian rupees currency.

4.5 cents is equal to how many Indian rupee?

4.5 U.S. cents = 2.30485556 Indian rupees (fluctuating as per the present dollar exchange rate)

75 million dollar equal to how many Indian rupee?

3.375 Billion considering approx value of 1$ = 45 INR

100 Indian rupees is equivalent to how many Singapore dollar?

1 Singapore Dollar (SGD) is equal to 32.6 Indian Rupees (INR) hence 100 INR will be 3.06 SGD

Us4.7 billion is equal to how many Indian rupee?

At current rates of exchange, 4.7 billion US dollars is equal to 282.846 billion Indian rupees. One US dollar equals 60.18 Indian rupees.