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HRM human resource management is responsible for hiring/ selection of employees, their training to provide organization with skilled labor for higher profits. HRM also ensures the protection of their employees both physically and morally.

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Q: Objective of hrm
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by using the propetys

What is means of M in HRM?

Management... HRM = Hotel and Restaurant Management

What are hrm functions?

One of the important function of HRM is the protection and security of employees. HRM is responsible for hiring, training, management and development of employees.

What is current work of HRM?

the current work of HRM is the management of human resorce.

Difference between IceHRM and Orange HRM?

Orage Hrm is a very stable web app writen in PHP. Ice Hrm is a software written in PHP, Javascript using twitter bootstrap framework. Compared to Orange Hrm, Ice hrm is easy to extend and code is well structured. If you are a developer who want to create a custom Hrm app for a client IceHrm is the one to go with

What is the difference between ihrm and hrm?

The difference between IHRM and HRM is that IHRM deals with much broader perspective while HRM deals with narrow perspective.

Why hygiene sanitation safety is important to HRM student?

principle of safety and sanitation in hrm

What has the author Masao Hanaoka written?

Masao Hanaoka has written: 'Diversity and HRM in Japan' 'The concept of HRM and the transition from PM to HRM' 'A view of the custom of lifetime employment and \\'

What is HRM policies?

HRM policies are working standard and guide line of working processing in business.

Basic objectives of HRM?

• Societal objective. To be socially responsible to the needs and challenges of society while minimizing the negative impact of such demands upon the organization. The failure of organizations to use their resources for society's benefit may result in restrictions. For example, societies may pass laws that limit human resource decisions. • Organizational objective. To recognize that HRM exists to contribute to organizational effectiveness. HRM is not an end in itself; it is only a means to assist the organization with its primary objectives. Simply stated, the department exists to serve the rest of the organization. • Functional objective. To maintain the department's contribution at a level appropriate to the organisation's needs. Resources are wasted when HRM is more or less sophisticated than the organisation demands. A department's level of service must be appropriate for the organisation it serves. • Personal objective. To assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least insofar as these goals enhance the individual's contribution to the organisation. Personal objectives of employees must be met if workers are to be maintained, retained and motivated. Otherwise, employee performance and satisfaction may decline, and employees may leave the organisation.

describe the emergence of strategic HRM and the influence of computer technolgoy?

the development of HRIS helped enable HRM to become a strategic partner in organizations, when then led to the emergence of strategic HRM.