

New trend of industrialization

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: New trend of industrialization
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Trend of Industrialization in India?

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What is the latest trend of industrialisation in India?

In recent times, India has seen a rapid trend of industrialization. The latest trend has been significant advancement in markets such as pharmaceuticals.

How did industrialization promote the new economy?

industrialization industrializes the U.S.

What major trend relates to population occurred during the industrialization boom of the late 1800?

The movement of people from the farms to cities

How did the industrialization promote the new market economy?

industrialization industrializes the U.S.

What is correct a new global trend has come at the city or has been brought to the city?

The correct sentence is "A new global trend has come to the city." This structure implies that the trend has arrived in the city from elsewhere.

What phrase describes the trend of urbanization?

The phrase "urbanization" describes the increasing concentration of people living in urban areas, often resulting in the growth and expansion of cities. This trend is driven by factors such as industrialization, economic opportunities, and population growth.

What is wha?

it is a new trend

What is the relationship between industrialized and imperialism?

Industrialization was brought to the countries that were taken over by Imperialism such as new ways of thinking and new ideas.

What ingredients were needed to lead to industrialization?

major new inventions was one ingredient needed to lead Britain to the industrialization.

What led to the industrialization to the US?

what led to the rapid industrialization of the U.S. was because of the railroad and the rise in industry. New ideas

What caused the trend towards city life in the 1800s?

The trend toward city life, or urbanization, was caused by industrialization. Many families left their farms to work in factories in the cities.