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Generally, not if the property will be in the wife's name alone and her income is enough to qualify her as the sole borrower for the loan. Some lenders insist that both spouses sign the mortgage.

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Q: Must a husband disclose his income and sign the mortgage if his wife is the one buying the house?
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If you apply for a mortgage loan can you put your husbands income on the application also even if he is not applying for the loan with you?

You can use income that is at your disposal. If you will have access to your husband's income as a household income for this mortgage then yes you can. If you are separated and he will not be living in the house then the answer would be no.

What does Nina mean with regards to mortgages?

With regards to a mortgage, NINA is an acronym for no income no asset documentation. In other words, a borrower doesn't have to disclose any information regarding to income or assets.

What happens to the house if the wife who is the main source of income dies and the husband cannot afford the mortgage?

If the mortgage isn't paid the lender will take possession of the property by foreclosure and sell it.

Does the mortgage company verify your income?

Yes the mortgage company verifies income.

Mortgage Required Income?

Mortgage Required Income What income is required to qualify for a mortgage? That largely depends on your monthly debt payments and the current interest rate. This calculator collects these important variables and determines your required income to qualify for your desired mortgage amount.

Can I get a mortgage in my name using my live-in boyfriend's income?

No. In order to obtain a mortgage in your name, you have to prove that you, as the mortgage holder, will be able to pay the mortgage yourself. The banks do not consider a live-in boyfriend's income a reliable source of income for yourself, nor can they hold him responsible for payment if the mortgage is in your name. You will have to get the mortgage based on your income, unless you and he put the mortgage in both names, using both of your incomes.

What is a state income mortgage loan?

A stated income mortgage loan is a loan where a borriwer is not required to verify there income. These loans were very popular and common before the recent mortgage crisis.

Is it any easier to obtain a mortgage for a 2nd home if you already own a home and it is paid off even if you and your husband are both retired?

as long as your fixed income can support the payments for the second property you will not have a problem getting a mortgage.

When you get a loan modification do they verify income?

Yes. Any time the bank modifies a mortgage it will require income verification.Yes. Any time the bank modifies a mortgage it will require income verification.Yes. Any time the bank modifies a mortgage it will require income verification.Yes. Any time the bank modifies a mortgage it will require income verification.

What is the meaning of a self certificate mortgage?

Simply put, a self certificate mortgage is a mortgage granted on an employee's statement of income as opposed to their employer's or accountant's statement of income.

Where can one source information about an aircraft loan?

Unless your husband is intending to generate an income using the aircraft then he won't be able to get a business loan. The cheapest way to raise some money otherwise is to extend your mortgage or take out a second mortgage.

How do you qualify for a first time buyers mortgage?

Buying mortgage can be a scary and stressful experience but the first thing is that you need to know yourself financially. You need to know your income and credit score to be able to see if the lenders think you are worthy enough for their loans.