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it is a bill where due date is at the time of expiry of maturity time

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Q: Maturity date of bill of exchange?
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it is a intrest which is calculated for the period starting from closing of accounting period to the date of maturity of the bill of exchange issued during accounting period. it is reversal entry

What is the definition of dishour of bills of exchange?

A bill is said to be dishonored when it\'s acceptor refuses to pay the amount of the bill to the holder of the bill on the day of maturity.

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Maturity is a term subject to different meanings, but in a commercial paper context, it refers to the date on which a negotiable instrument, such as a promissory note or bill of exchange, becomes due and payable.

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DISHONOUR OF THE BILL OF EXCHANGEWhen the Bill of exchange is not accepted by the drawee, or payment is not made against the bill by the drawee, the bill is is said to be dishonoured. A Bill is dishonoured in the following two conditions:1-DISHONOUR BY NON-ACCEPTANCEIf the Drawee refuses to accept the bill, it is known as Dishonour of the bill of exchange by non-acceptance.2-DISHONOUR BY NON-PAYMENTIf the drawee doesn't pay a certain amount of money when the bill is shown on maturity, the bill gets dishonoured due to Non-payment.

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What is bills of exchang?

A bill of exchange is an instrument drawn by the seller on the buyer to pay a specified amount of money on a paticular date.

What are the Aims and objectives of bill of exchange?

A bill of exchange is A non-interest-bearing written order used primarily in international trade that binds one party to pay a fixed sum of money to another party at a predetermined future date.

What are Aim and objectives of Bill of exchange?

A bill of exchange is A non-interest-bearing written order used primarily in international trade that binds one party to pay a fixed sum of money to another party at a predetermined future date.